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Treat Yourself Right this Halloween! Check Out a Great Blackbelt Money Skills Program from with Alan Seid! I will!

on Sat, 10/31/2015 - 20:03

Trick or treat: Go right to and click on the box about the Blackbelt Money Program before Nov. 2,2015 or now or read this first..either way, it's a treat!

Every once in a blue moon or Halloween, it's Just Time To Treat Yourself Right! Really, any season or reason would do, but it just so happens that Alan Seid is offering a fanastic program via phonecalls (which are accessible online as recordings as well) along with great support material based on the book Your Money or Your Life.

A Few Minutes of Heartfelt Connection...Can You Afford to Allow that For Yourself and Those You Care About?

on Wed, 10/28/2015 - 19:48

While I have hundreds of ideas in the course of a week, it's always nice to remember the idea of sitting quietly, and if it's safe to do so, to Close One's Eyes, Breathe and Relax and say a calm, "Thank You". Now who or what you direct any thanks to can come next, if any. Just tuning into Gratitude as an Attitude for enjoying a moment and many moments in a day is an important start.

Breathing Calmly & Saying"Whatever You Say" can be helpful or even a simple "Okay" when someone is upset, giving advice or correction, or insisting you listen or agree with them...(not that you are Saying you agree just not disagreeing, see the diff?)

on Sun, 10/11/2015 - 18:51

How many times in a day or a week do you have someone drop somedirection or insist you listen to them (likely they are using a tone of voice that is annoyed, firm, loud, quick) and you are

Expected to Agree or at least LISTEN with full and quiet attention..and AGREE with them (him, her or a few folks even).

If you say hardly ever, you may be brushing things off or in more of a leadership role in your social circles (and maybe are expecting others to give you more respect due to the roles, social status and other factors (fill in the blank, especially if you are in work situations, household

A Thorough 2nd Missive to someone who said my 1st Response to the Gun Control Did not Apply...

on Fri, 10/09/2015 - 15:54

Thanks for your honest response, Carl and to others who took a moment to read some or all of my first response. We could choose to have a 12-step type respect that doesn’t judge, but I appreciate honest feedback and hope you can allow others who sound anything like me more consideration in how you share Your Opinions.

Someone said lawyers don’t need to make a good argument as much as they need to knock the credibility or insult the argument or speaker, so that bulldog approach may work in some circuits but I’m headed toward world peace such as promoted by

Response to Berkshire Edge article by Jennifer Browdy to form Mom's Group against Gun Violence after the Oregon shooting (and 'To Stop the Killing of Innocents')

on Thu, 10/08/2015 - 22:51

We can’t let a few (thousand) bad apples (madMen with Guns) spoil the bunch of US-All in the United States of A-Miracle…Yes, we need ‘mothers and others'(as Meryl Streep and Others noted to prevent the use of dangerous herbicides such as alar on apples..or at least warn people and encourage peeling and many other initiatives.

Maybe they can join the many fighting for Gun Control Laws and ReVisions… How can the existing networks collaborate effectively to reframe much of our societal woes and options to slow the destruction of people and plan-it heart?
