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Reflections on Pearl Harbor Day, Time to Learn from History in time for #EarthToParis to Address Climate Change Today!

on Mon, 12/07/2015 - 15:55
I saw a program that said some warnings of the Pearl Harbor attack were dismissed as military exercises or that calls were not heeded (maybe not even in DC). The book Hiroshima: Myth or Fact? explores the reality of the closet meetings for Why the bombs were dropped (the second because 'it was on the calendar even when told it would not be needed).
The take-away lessons from these and other possible 'propaganda-coated' wrongdoings is to Learn from our Naivete (yes, at this time of the nativity and #EarthToParis which is addressing the Climate Change Crisis with many efforts such as and

If Santa (Or other inspiration real or imagined, divine or human) can be in so many places at once, maybe we can be too..stay heart-centered and each day will unfold in magical ways with gifts of its own to share with others...

on Fri, 12/04/2015 - 02:14

The spirit of this season as a Target Ad and others on TV are touting can be on of L-O-V-E. Another theme is M-O-M and  C-H-I-L-D which of course includes on some level D-A-D and thus F-A-M-I-L-Y. Many add to that the divine or G-D and others do not but  often speak of SPIRIT and if not that, COMMUNITY and NATURE. So what are you connecting with this season of winter wonders and gatherings?

Sidewallk strolls whether with horse carriage rides (as in Kent CT), New England Main Street Yuletide and Holiday Festivities such as in Stockbrige MA and Great Barrington  MA as well as  most town

Colorful Lights Parade Through Canaan CT while White Lights Shine With the Outline of Santa and His Reindeer..and On a Lovely Tree in Ashley Falls MA!

on Mon, 11/30/2015 - 03:35

 The real name of a Santa bringing cheer to people in the tri-corner area for fifty years rhymes with sing (and he has a grand daughter being recognized in the state of Massachusetts as one whose developed her talent as one with a great set of pipes, as is a youth from Millerton NY being recruited by a top vocal school. When we hear about talent we forget that we each have 'God-given or natural gifts' maybe in part due to genetics and upbringing but some even beyond that type of explanation. The simple gifts of living and breathing need more celebrating.

With all due respect for everyone's

Bershire Women Writers Event a Stand-Out! Check out the great books and more on this list (and Great Barrington Library Local Authors section too!)

on Mon, 11/23/2015 - 18:17

Lucky me, I made it to the picturesqure Berkshire County Club and partook of the talents of Berkshire Women Writers event held on Sun.Nov 23rd. Don't worry, in the commnets we'll list who was there so you can shop for their books and arts for the holidays and gifts (even to yourself). More later, but way cool, check the main site for other events throughout the year! Journal away and share your talents. Make a friend and find a reason to share your talents today or as you can with others...Hugs, Catherine

Without my list handy, I'll have to wing this for now so a few folks get some kudos.

Living Into Dying by Nancy Jewel Poer a Real Gem and Help for Threshold Work of Transition (and first Few Days after a person Dies)

on Mon, 11/16/2015 - 21:51

Of all the things we have in common such as being born, there's the other side of the rainbow, called 'dying or crossing the threshold'..and being dead for a few days. What difference might a few days make, many may wonder?

The theory of Rudolf Steiner as covered with stories by someone who actually experienced caring for the dead over many years, indicates there may be a three to three and a half day transition period After one has died.

During that time one's etheric body returns to another realm and one's life force energy blends with the world and nature.
