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Treat Yourself Right this Halloween! Check Out a Great Blackbelt Money Skills Program from with Alan Seid! I will!

on Sat, 10/31/2015 - 20:03

Trick or treat: Go right to and click on the box about the Blackbelt Money Program before Nov. 2,2015 or now or read this first..either way, it's a treat!

Every once in a blue moon or Halloween, it's Just Time To Treat Yourself Right! Really, any season or reason would do, but it just so happens that Alan Seid is offering a fanastic program via phonecalls (which are accessible online as recordings as well) along with great support material based on the book Your Money or Your Life. I got to listen to the intro call for 2 hours (which included Q&A time, an hour for him and and hour for us which is what the basic outline will be.)

Please do yourself a favor and consider Signing Up by Monday, November 2nd, 2015 if you can (If short on cash or credit, ask friends and others to support you or look into the payment option and include his 100 voucher to get the prices I recount here). Really consider doing this since this could help you get not only your sense of finances but life in order. He has great promo info and has youtube videos linked to his Cascadia Workshops (which reflects his bioregion in the country.) I'll include the links here and he's offering an affiliate program, so perhaps that's another way to generate some income for you as well.

Maybe it's short timing for this program, but then again there may be magic in the air for a few folks to sign up (2 levels at either $200 Learner (after the 100 credit) Level for 6 monthly sessions or $300(after the 100 dollar creddit) for the Implementer Level for 12 sessions in 6 months).

Plus there's a 30-day guarantee, so that's a bonus to Go For It if it seems a good fit! I will share a few tips here as seems reasonable, and there's a book about people who have succeeded using the concepts from Your Money or Your Life. From the few times I've seen videos and heard and spoken with Alan, I've decided this is one Treat I need to be less prone to the tricks that can come up in life, even after 50 and rearing a family in a caring community.

The dreams we carry create key parts of our destination. Those dreams will be tended with care and guidance as we each take time to tune into the teachers out there and reflect on the programs.

I have also gained a lot from listening to Patty Lennon (whose name is easy enough to remember when you think of John Lennon's song  Imagine often sung at graduations such as at mine from a large suburban high school in the early 1980s). She went on to write a book Crowdfunding and I won a ticket to her awesome Mom Grows a Business Conference last year. I'm looking forward to one she's planning for April. She'll give some free coaching sessions online or by phone and they're always inspirational.

So, why not take time to treat yourself to these kinds of programs if you've put it off? A final one for right now too is and David Adelson is also looking for affiliates. Enjoy these and if you need an added boost, tune into the new Supergirl series on TV. Mention these to friends and see how they're lives take off in empowering ways to help them through the darker, colder winter season! Here are the links for the Blackbelt Money Skills with Alan Seid! for registration and info on the Blackbelt Money Skills Program.

 I'm a new Affiliate so mention me as Frndly Hlper or Catherine from  livfullly blog so I can get credit and relay some highlights here.   Forgive me and don't miss out by Monday the 2ns of Nov...then remember to VOTE too!

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