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Response to Berkshire Edge article by Jennifer Browdy to form Mom's Group against Gun Violence after the Oregon shooting (and 'To Stop the Killing of Innocents')

on Thu, 10/08/2015 - 22:51

We can’t let a few (thousand) bad apples (madMen with Guns) spoil the bunch of US-All in the United States of A-Miracle…Yes, we need ‘mothers and others'(as Meryl Streep and Others noted to prevent the use of dangerous herbicides such as alar on apples..or at least warn people and encourage peeling and many other initiatives.

Maybe they can join the many fighting for Gun Control Laws and ReVisions… How can the existing networks collaborate effectively to reframe much of our societal woes and options to slow the destruction of people and plan-it heart? Like apples from the Garden of Eden, our hearts pulsate with feelings and yes blood (too often affected by drugs and stress, poor nutrition and confused relationship agreements).

When will we ever Take the Time to Learn such as from and cultures around the world for New Better Ways to be Explored by small group efforts. Feeling alone needs to be replaced by feeling we are ‘all one’.

I share more reflections  here and in other posts on and welcome comments. Each person can make an important difference since we are connected to many others (especially in the MA/NY CT, think many connect) area. We are movers and shakers.

The good guys can join the womenfolk of all ages and good animals, nature and any other healing forces whatever their address in the universe and surely in time we can win over most of the ‘bad apples’ who have likely been feeling the pay-off was worth their harmful choices and their control tactics, threats and harm are somehow giving them a place in His-story…but we all know it’s truly Ourstory… peace and thanks for getting the thread going.

Many more will agree than will have time to write but it all adds up to a hopeful adventure. The spiritual playing field is not one easily understood or one to have ‘the final word’ on. Whether ending one’s own life or another’s the spiritual implications need to be considered with respect to the many traditions that speak to somehow ‘not supposed to end life’..not that it needs to be prolonged with artificial means.

Maybe there’s room to allow people to die peacefully and naturally (or Maybe with assistance if terminal and so on, but that’s where it gets dicey..and what IF someone would karmically choose or need to come do that all over again rather than ‘take matters into their own hands’ just before crossing the finish line’).

Most people usually do not want to end their own life (or take another) but may feel pressured to not burden others (or can’t comprehend living in a different way if there’s a pending or actual separation or the controllers are sometimes determined to decide the fate of another and about one-third of the time, their own if they kill their ‘targeted person/ aka ‘partner’). Usually those are folks under 30 but can be older too. Much of the program addresses men who batter. Many batterer programs are court-ordered yet many don't really help guys change (even if they want to.)

 Learn more on or net..and and These fellows should be every woman's heroes (kids and good guys can thank them too, but we all need to take 10 minutes a week or more to learn the Basics and Best Practices to stop violence in its tracks...or moreover to prevent it which means Revamping Marriage and Custody Laws nationwide.

A tall order but better to prevent problems with more screenings, interventions and coaching (ads, campaigns for amicable agreements and affirming everyone's civil rights rather than wait for the preDictable to happen...and yes, my theory includes a problem some guys have with too much testosterone or ways to express their harm in reading The Wisdom of the Enneagram and review the Contoller #8 type (or 9 personality types which all have various levels of health and expressions). But back to the topic of violence and killing...

Someone ending their own life in a violent manner is clearly mentally unstable. There are likely many ways he (or she in those instances but yes, it’s generally an ‘acting out’ male trait whereas women tend to self-harm or act-in, both maybe dealing with feelings of shame.

Typically a man can be abusing while a woman is being abused. Yet often she is blamed for ‘staying, not knowing how bad he is, letting the kids be around him and so on.

Likely we could benefit from codifying the many ways harm is done to a person so we don’t have to use the actual words and hear a repetition of ‘shooting, killing, choking, stabbing, raping, abusing, hurting, stealing, intimidating and more.’ There may be a Law of Attraction that breeds more of whatever is said and focused on, so that could unfortunately cause more the problem.

It would be good to reduce the violence in media (movies and much more). IF people watching such things considered the possibility that what they see done to others could be done to them (particularly in the wanton violence and harm, porn and such), then they Might think twice about ‘taking in such images’.

There may be spiritual and metaphysical laws beyond what we can typically comprehend. Likely many have never even heard of that idea ,some may have distorted notions (too fundamentalist which may have them thinking they’d threaten their own kids and kin to keep them in line by the fear of God and their own demands, regardless of civil laws which intend to prevent abuse yet likely allow it if not condone it.)

There is an overall thrust in education to ‘beat the spiritual and ethical values’ out of the education system so that it would seem ludicrous to believe in things one cannot see and measure or ‘find convincing evidence’ of the existence of. The fields of biology and psychology tend to rule out the need or possibility of things like ‘life after death’, ‘multiple lifetimes’, ‘soul groups’ and many traditions and understandings around the world.

People are encouraged and rewarded for severing the mother-child bond (and father-child bone as well if there were one.) Work and standards of living demand that people find more time to make money and meet high standards for housing and living without relative regard for the amount of time actually spent with their infants, young children and family over time. At what point could some basic standards of care be recommended to maintain continuity of care and awareness of the many traditions to speak of a loving and/or intelligent force if not being(s) who are guiding our lives if we allow connection..and maybe even if we don’t. There’s plenty to consider and many venues trying to sort things out. Likely most of this is a preparation for the type of Climate Change effects which are unfolding faster than most can comprehend. The ‘big guns’ we can’t control will be the cost of oil, the poor air with high CO-2 levels and many other calamities. People who have had to face a harsh reality such as going through a break-up of a partnership, family, groups, or moving and changing (even for the good) will need to draw on those skills to process problems on a much larger scale.

Who knew we signed up for all this during our humble lifetimes? If it’s happening, apparently we may have or can aspire to have the ability to respond to them. All the best as we brave Thinking Bigger (which a friend Josie mentioned was a theme for her dinner party with friends tonight)…Think Deeper, Nicer, Gentler, More Practically, Earlier in the Intervention and so on…one good apple at a time

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