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Reflections on the Fall 2015 Season Events from a FB memorial page

on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 19:09

Pardon the ways this article repeats..there's a bug in my computer:

Just reflecting on many events and breeze through as you may like and Greetings to Your Family, Friends and Tribe from me and mine through the new year ahead, with all the possibilities ahead (including in the realm of personal care and growth, teamwork, politics, faith and healing on all levels for people, animals, nature and plan-it heart..may that be so.

Hugs and handshakes all around to those here, those who have journeyed on and those yet to come into our lives or onto planet Heart (8 billion hearts beating

Creating Forbidden Ground at Home, in Public, In the Courts, On the Phone and E-Mails..coming to a person near you soon so read up before you're caught off guard of the new Policies breeding night and day

on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 15:33

Most people know how to behave in public and maybe even in private. You don't yell, "Fire" in a movie theatre or public place if there is No Fire. You don't pretend to have a gun in school or say you do even is someone dared you to or it's Prank Day. That will get you arrested nowadays. Things that used to be done for fun or to help people such as asking who people are and where they are from in a group setting among new people may be taboo.

You have to check with the folks in charge of say a church, library, school group or other kind of club or organizer.

Autumn 2015 NW CT Celebrations, Pick a few and Enjoy Your Own too!

on Mon, 11/09/2015 - 19:11

After introducing a list of great events, I went on, so here's the list:

Community Health Programs (CHP) in Great Barrington and Berkshire County MA: Nice offerings and places for families to meet and young children to play. Find out more online.

Northwest Y-- programs and facilities for fitness, swimming and social programs for youth

Berkshire South in Great Barrington MA (on Chrissey Road past the KMart Plaza). Pool and gym (for Skip and Dip for young kids and their parents) as well as an array of programs for all ages. See more online.

Swimming also at Hotchkiss School, Simon's Rock

15th Anniversary Cannonball Run in Falls Village CT (Not too late to contribute and help a small town celebrate and remember loved ones)

on Sat, 11/07/2015 - 22:15


While the Kellogg School serving youngsters kindergarten through middle-school (8th grade) sits handsomely on a hillside on Main Street with a small cannon parked in front of its stone wall, the population of its student body has shrunk to about half when I was there in the 1970s when it had about 170 students.

Same kinds of declines at other schools, though not as steep affect many communities.

Grassroots Group Thinking about Stemming the terror and tide of heroin and gateway drugs

on Sun, 11/01/2015 - 01:05

The wheels of change are starting to turn but it's a bigger uphill journey than most realize..and bridging gaps among many people and systems could take a decade or so, but it's a challenge we have to muster the courage to take on.

A second grassroots community  coalition action meeting was held in the MA/NY CT tricorner area for people to learn abouut the scope of opiate abuse (which often starts with a prescription for opiates for pain that can readily lead to an overdependence, abuse and addiction.

Instead of getting prescribed drugs or a program to guide one to taper off use, many
