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On Your Mark, Get Centered, Relax! Enjoy the Middle of December (even with lots to remember). The Life is Good guys said focusing on 'something good that happened' each day to answer their Mom's dinnertime question paved the way to their $100M

on Thu, 12/17/2015 - 23:45

A little inspiration goes a long way sometimes, to help one journey through ages and stages of one's life. What used to be a given in terms of a woman having her own baby, nursing or doing much of the care with a partner or alone, and sending the youngster off to daycare or a nursery school or to be cared for with others who can mostly talk and use the potty has largely shifted.

More women plan pregnancies that work with their fertility, their work, their partner (actually optional for many with about 15K thousand women choosing to become single moms from the get-go with in vitro, or maybe

Walking to a New Healthyself-Beat Down Main Street Today! Tips on Breathing, Keep Blood Sugars Low (and by the Way, Advocate to Get Your A1C before your BS (blood sugars) are high!

on Sat, 12/12/2015 - 16:11

As I was enjoying an avacodo sandwich on toasted bread with olive oil, I was thinking of what I should do next. Walk or drum on the Green where lovely benches and even seasonal plantings called to me. Or then there was the Upper Main Street easy walk to the Sharon Library housed in a mini-castle of granite with lovely windows, features and computers (and books and DVDs and nice peeps plus a bathroom as there also is at the local Sharon Farm Market also just down the hill from the Green.)

I decided to follow the intention to walk after eating to help my blood sugar level (that along with

Grumbling Gryphons Enliven Tales to Teach Letting in the Light and Leaving Bullies Behind! Dr. Sha and Edgar Cayce likely would Agree!

on Sat, 12/12/2015 - 13:00

 As Hannukah comes to a close, which conveys the Jewish experience of oil burning for 8 nights when there was only 'enough for one night' and is a sign of the God's grace and miracles, a group of school children and adults were enchanted by the Grumbling Gryphons theatre troupe who acted out two trickster tales with inspiring messages:

Do not let anyone steal your light--whether the sun, moon and stars (and by association, clean air, water, and way to live and provide for your family and others on our small singular planet) or your inner light of free will, respect and self-preservation,

First Part of the Pearl Harbor Post...

on Wed, 12/09/2015 - 01:41
Dec 7 at 9:38 AMOur Dad Dale Palmer Sr. (1922-2007, almost 85 years of full living)..

Why So Many Smart People Lock Doors Instead of Helping People O-U-T of Bad Situations and Abuse, Even Moms with Kids....A Big Worry Few Wonder About as though No Clue That's Happening to 60K Moms Every Year!

on Tue, 12/08/2015 - 13:39

Sadly I learned of one of the rare cases of a mother having the life of the father of their child ended on a Forensic Files show on TV. The 38-year-old was desribed at an excellent pediatrician and one of the possible motivations was for the mother to have sole custody as well as a $500 thousand life insurance policy (which she was using $200 thousand for to pay off two hit men.) Thankfully the forensic information linking the two hit men to the scene was available ( a sneaker print on tile, some blood and hair samples on a sweat shirt that was left in a hotel room along with the sneakers.

