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Thinking Through the Ins and Outs of Community Networking and Advocacy! One Day At A Time..peace and light, Talking about Evolution..with Love

on Sat, 07/07/2018 - 22:00

Here's to keeping abreast of the many great ways to enjoy summer, and really each season of the year, with neighbors and newcomers at local events and growing in community networking efforts.

A few folks have asked me, "Well, what does Community Networking mean..what will happen or who does that involve?" What I've been doing since very young in these small CT towns as well as in larger ones (New Haven and Fairfield CT, at Vassar College and then back in the hill towns of the northwest corner CT and more recently for a couple of years in Brooklyn NY) is getting to know who is doing what in

Learn About Abuse and Legalities of Marriage and Parenthood Today

on Sun, 09/24/2017 - 15:00

Online this morning, I read about Jack Sheedy who was happily married to Jean Sands later in life. She passed away from painful illnesss but had written poetry for two books, the most recent is called Close But Not Touching" and the former one "Gandy Dancing" (2009). The latter  Jean was able to get published and the other not quite.

In the Republican-American CT newspaper, Jack says throwing out her work would have been like letting all her work be for nothing. He wanted to honor her efforts which would have been a gift to him by making it a gift for her.

"Horse Hugs" inspired reflection after a photo a mare adopting a young foal as her own, both having lost their respective family shortly before...Let's Support One Another and Be Grateful for Life!

on Wed, 06/28/2017 - 17:51
We sometimes need to messages to come in many forms (such as animals befriending each other when a young one needs nurturing such as a foal needing a new mom, or even grown animals becoming pals and helping each other whether we hear of such or see a photo or video). These messages can speak to our hearts to help us humans understand how deeply connected we are not only with other humans' Did any other women feel the Big Wave of Motherhood during pregnancy and birth, holding one's first child and/ or nursing or feeding their child--and that could work for those not birthed but still in the

Count to 10 in a new way and with the message for US-All--WE MUST HELP! :Women's Experiences with Mothers Uniting to Share Truths, Heal, Examine, Learn, Problem-solve and Progress!

on Thu, 05/12/2016 - 14:44

This idea emerged from long ago as I grew up in a large family and had many relatives on both sides (I have yet to count them up but plan to before long plus I know a Mormon person has charted not only the recent generations but a couple or more prior generations. There are family trees and geneograms and ethnograms to chart things like relationships, changes in status of relationships, even health issues to be aware of familial risks or attributes.

) I studied social psychology at Vassar in the 1980s and it was a given when 'doing a study' to notate male and female subjects (why not just

Grassroots Group Thinking about Stemming the terror and tide of heroin and gateway drugs

on Sun, 11/01/2015 - 01:05

The wheels of change are starting to turn but it's a bigger uphill journey than most realize..and bridging gaps among many people and systems could take a decade or so, but it's a challenge we have to muster the courage to take on.

A second grassroots community  coalition action meeting was held in the MA/NY CT tricorner area for people to learn abouut the scope of opiate abuse (which often starts with a prescription for opiates for pain that can readily lead to an overdependence, abuse and addiction.

Instead of getting prescribed drugs or a program to guide one to taper off use, many