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new parents

After UCONN Torrington CT closing, What Other Schools or Programs May Get Cut? How about More Prevention and Proactive Planning for All in Life?

on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 20:50
This is a summary from a post I put out there. Need to go soon but condolences to the UCONN Torrington Community. Hope the Waterbury and Winsted Options can allow you to stay in the area or pursue your education. For staff, that may be more challenging but again, I hope you can find ways to stay in the area or keep connected if you branch out. Read up locally in our state and community about state funds being cut from schools or other programs you care about.
The property taxes could be raised to help offset increases to keep programs in place people need.

Creating Forbidden Ground at Home, in Public, In the Courts, On the Phone and E-Mails..coming to a person near you soon so read up before you're caught off guard of the new Policies breeding night and day

on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 15:33

Most people know how to behave in public and maybe even in private. You don't yell, "Fire" in a movie theatre or public place if there is No Fire. You don't pretend to have a gun in school or say you do even is someone dared you to or it's Prank Day. That will get you arrested nowadays. Things that used to be done for fun or to help people such as asking who people are and where they are from in a group setting among new people may be taboo.

You have to check with the folks in charge of say a church, library, school group or other kind of club or organizer.