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When People Leave With Sadness and Apparently 'At Their Own Hand", Let's Take a Moment and Reflect..and Care

on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 18:15

Difficult news in CT and FL, apparent suicides of people who had lost friends or family in shooting event in the past. Sincere condolences to the families, friends and the spirits of those who have crossed over in a difficult manner. This response is offered to reflect on this kind of situation in general and is not in any way trying to minimize the heartache and difficulty the families, friends and even fellow national and worldwide citizens feel when learning of such tragedies.

 Maybe reasons such as 'survivor guilt' or missing a loved one (in the case of a father for instance losing a

More Posts on A Great Way to Share Ideas (though this format works too, but it's not free..)

on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 18:30

Hoping to streamline the flow of ideas onto one main site and that likely will be 

 You can have your own blog (with a user name or your real name..I would recommend a fake name if you want to start out easy breezy) on that site too.They have some for free and then there are upgrades. I have lots to learn and have put a few posts on over the past, but frankly have forgotten about it since I use this site from Bluehost usually.

The Spoken Wheel..Each Spoke Leading to the Center and Each Expression "Spoken" Ideally is Something One Has Pre-Approved (even if it's in a setting to freely emote with safe people etc)

on Thu, 06/22/2017 - 15:30

Those mid-awaking moments, maybe still during dream time, speak to me.. something about the world Spokes and spoken.. What's the connection. A long time ago I thought of the idea of how many relgiiouns or world views are like spokes of a wheel all connected to a central hub and needing to share an outer wheel so it can turn. What if every school of thought and religion is maintained in part for us to have a 'living history' of what's transpired on earth.

The Jewish people maintaining their practices since before Jesus and The Church and Christians came on the scene.

From My Blog to Your To-Do List (Your Thyroid Will Thank You..) And Lots More About Life and Death, Healing and More!

on Tue, 02/28/2017 - 22:06 is the link you will want to click Today to sign up for a free week of talks on The Thyroid (yours, mine, everybody's). You'll probably want to thank me for trying to let you know in a timely fashion. You're Welcome! I only learned about it today while listening to my class from Suzanne O'Brien about being an End of Life Doula Caregiver, that is to say about death and dying and dealing with the aftermath of that for a family and friends right through a service and burial. She is breaking the ice on a topic most never brave talking about while alive.

I am also reading

How is New York and The Rest of the World Waking Up on September 11th, 2016m 15 years later after 3K headed to heaven (minus a few likely who did the harm)?

on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 11:47

 When I was in New York a few months ago, I heard the psychic medium Mark Anthony speak about our loved ones on the other side. He also had two books he had written, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go (of the love we have for our those who have crossed over and are in spirit.) The first book describes a number of readings he has done for people that provide singular details about their loved ones to show there are signs and messages from them.

He and many others have a theory that a spirit can communicate with loved ones and others to help them, even people they hadn't met . Many
