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If Santa (Or other inspiration real or imagined, divine or human) can be in so many places at once, maybe we can be too..stay heart-centered and each day will unfold in magical ways with gifts of its own to share with others...

on Fri, 12/04/2015 - 02:14

The spirit of this season as a Target Ad and others on TV are touting can be on of L-O-V-E. Another theme is M-O-M and  C-H-I-L-D which of course includes on some level D-A-D and thus F-A-M-I-L-Y. Many add to that the divine or G-D and others do not but  often speak of SPIRIT and if not that, COMMUNITY and NATURE. So what are you connecting with this season of winter wonders and gatherings?

Sidewallk strolls whether with horse carriage rides (as in Kent CT), New England Main Street Yuletide and Holiday Festivities such as in Stockbrige MA and Great Barrington  MA as well as  most town