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"Who's Calling the Shots?" While CT's Region One Budget is Up for Debate (and a Vote in May 2018), Concerned Community Members are Promoting a NO Vote and Monitoring Meetings

on Sat, 04/28/2018 - 22:17

 What's school got to do with court? Apparently a few correlations as in following the law is sometimes done..and often not done.

Whose keeping track of any particular path a regional school district is on? In the hills of northwest CT people have been taking a more vocal stance on how the regional school system, particularly the high school that serves six towns, is operating from the top down

. There are key players in terms of administrative roles as well as the people in those roles that have been discussed at length for years.

While the former often controversial Superintendent of

Read the Teddy Stoddard Story on FB and The Comments Where Many Teachers are Fondly Praised for the Help and Care they Showed.

on Mon, 02/27/2017 - 23:04

After trying to summarize the heartwarming tale of a little lad finally being helped by his teacher Mrs. Thompson when he was declining in school (about 4th grade), I erased my post by mistake. I wanted to mention many others chimed in with their tales of heroism about teachers and likely other adults (or even kids) who inspired them.

One woman shared that from long ago, Mike Warren died as a volunteer firefighter in an explosion. He was her high school teacher of a class of snobby kids. Well, those were the days and hopefully more students can take it easy on the teachers and vice versa.

Healing and Helpful Ideas, plus quick overview on Jesus as healer

on Tue, 08/02/2016 - 17:09

As with many posts, this flows like a river of ideas so works well to view in this link from Google Documents.Explore using that with a librian or other trusty friend at a library, just for safety and support. Here's to your health and wellness on all levels.These are all my opinions and summaries so do not take as advice or gospel, thanks.

One point I didn't have time to make is that unfortunately as the late Mr.

If Help Needed (by a friend or someone else) What Would YOU Do? (Call 911, Talk them Through, Act from your Heart no Matter the Cost or Risk?)

on Wed, 05/25/2016 - 14:02



The Brooklyn Unitarian Church in New York, US of A-Miracle (or so we can pray), held a raffle which gave a prize of picking a sermon topic. The winner asked that the sermon be on Charitable Giving (and was in early May 2016 and is online, which would be a great way to spend ten minutes before reading or after this post.)

Would you save  a drowning child is one question raised and explored not only in the talk but in a book referenced which looks at the risks and benefits fo giving.

Crafting Clear Safety PLANS

on Sat, 01/04/2014 - 05:38

People Learning with Agreements and Networking through Schools and Society (PLANS) with our Community Thinking KAPP (Kids, Adults, Parents Partnership) will be a great way to promote safety, care, respect, and skills for people at every stage of life. (This blog post from 2014 is by Catherine Palmer Paton of CT) Let's see how things have played out and what next steps in keeping a team spirit growing strong as we dance our way through the rest of the 2020s decade and beyond!

 We all know some things are toxic (too much anger, hate, bullying, self-loathing, being too Hungry,