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Online Folks, Live Calls, Replays and Inspiration

on Mon, 03/23/2020 - 06:00

Hope eerybuddy can find  some inspiring youtube videos, live FB, replays and current meetings from various thought leaders and updates on COVID19 and other concerns and ways to think about things, even the nature of our beings (whether mainly spiritual or 'just human' in our physical form. Many of those questions are explored in other posts on this blog and again online.) 

 Now for some inspired reflection..almost another post really but I typed it out, so here it is..While this involves reflecting on our teen son's passing in 2009, just consider the larger topics raised about

Lots More To Review and Consider About Interacting In Public Vs Places of Business, Faith Groups and More in Modern Times

on Fri, 08/10/2018 - 17:28

I found myself thinking about the opportunity to gather in the public safe space, physically and emotionally for the most part, to honor those who have journeyed on and to show care and support for their families and one another.

It sounded great and was healing in ways that are touching lives more than we can  know when people learn of the event happening.

Even the possibility and option to allow for that especially when everything seems regulated to the teeth in our schools and communities, due to liability and prevention of risk or not having the right resources to address matters, even

Reminiscing and reflecting on Kaelan's Life Experiences (And My Own) That Continue to Echo through the Lands

on Sun, 06/17/2018 - 00:15

Pardon the formatting that did not carry over from the  FB post, but I did add a few points in this. I will work on a better version but much can be gleaned from this by skimming patiently. Thanks..and peace!

Taking in the fullness of this important day to remember our wonderful Kaelan when he walked and played on the earth in his amazing human form before his untimely passing on his last day of his freshman year at Housatonic Valley Regional High School in Falls Village CT on June 16th, 2009 around 3 in the afternoon when helping friends in danger about a mile from the school at the Falls.

Let's Revamp Almost Everything So We Have A Clear View for Our Future (and Cleaner Air to Breathe too)

on Mon, 10/23/2017 - 01:30

I had a lot of great ideas to share before I woke up. I thought I'd put them down online here by 10 am but hurried off to an event that started at noon when I checked the info, thinking it'd be at 2pm. Now I am recalling some of it was to convey the ideas from the book Your Life, Why It Is the Way It Is by Bruce McArthur. The ideas speak of the teachings of Edgar Cayce...a very helpful book for anyone to know about.

To Whom It May Concern (and It Really May Not Seem to be You, but Maybe Your Kids or Grands...)

on Sun, 06/25/2017 - 19:44

Dear Everybuddy,  This may be The Most Important Blog Post For Parents and Kids, Elders and Others To Read Today, It's serious yet timely and informative, so please take note (or print out and ponder...more simple tips coming soon too.)

While everyone says 'know your audience, be clear about who your message is for (and of course What Your Message Is), sometimes it's hard to hone in on Who That Is, Where They Are on One's State and Country if not The World.
