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Peace and Light to Florida and US All on Valentine's Day 2018

on Thu, 02/15/2018 - 05:50

With news on FB from a friend saying 17 were lost in a school episode of violence by a former student on February 14th, 2018 our Valentine's Day. I gave the following reflection. Some said we need to pray, others to vote. I suggested both which of course most people are apt to do with renewed conviction and even a friend.I wanted to write something inspiring about Valentine's and put some reflections on about being married 30 years ago (with the legal part ending about 20 years later..with many blessings and lessons along the way, but not the easiest of endings..since

Spiritual Exploration...the Body and Mind, Soul Connection guest Geozuwa

on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 20:05 is a show that's been online since 1999 with 12 shows annually by the host. Dr. Emoto's work is summarized as showing how our emotions (not emojis) affect the molecular structure of water. "If your thoughts can affect things outside of you, What do you think your thoughts are doing to your own body which is primarily composed of water?" is one point Geozuwa, author of The Other Side (Visit Now...) with a meditation. Why not try to be open to the ideas and see how they may play out in your life and world? Happy Holidayze...peace and healing light!

Thinking Out Loud about Very Taboo Topics so parental permission please if under 18

on Tue, 11/21/2017 - 00:51

Hello, sorry for the 'alarming mysterious title..but also for the way the print cuts off the tail end of the letters...' Now I am seeing the copy fine as I am editing. I did bring this over from FB or maybe that's the problem..Okay, so I will post and hope the print clears up.

These are difficult realities some young men were discussing online..the legality and occurrence of abortion, especially late-term abortion with some specific procedures being questioned as necessary,  humane or rational.

Windy Welcome to Halloween, All Souls' Day and afterglow of New Life Expo in NYC

on Tue, 10/31/2017 - 02:52

Who's been tossed about by the wind these past few days in New York City, US-All? How about drenched with rain? Hopefully we'll be spared any big surprises from the skies for a mellow Halloween with the Americana traditions of costumes and trick or treating and a few parties (and plays in the street). Good times roll in certain neighborhoods but sometimes the fun turns to frolic and too much dipping into danger, so try to bypass that to get yourself in decent shape to greet November. The 1st of November is All Souls Day in the Catholic and maybe a few other traditions.
