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Suzanne O'Brien

The Energy Medicine and Healing Summit on The Shift Network Free for a Few Days April 2017

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 03:09

While it's hard to get to everything one would like to listen to and learn about, some oldies but goodies to be aware of are making waves on the internet and in many programs large and small. Not on mainstream media or society but plenty just a few leagues out from there. Sports, the arts, creative thinkers and artists all tune into 'energy fields', some in direct ways with pushing limits physically or using strategies to create and others more from a place of connection with the earth, others, the stars, guides (here and in spirit) and so on.

From My Blog to Your To-Do List (Your Thyroid Will Thank You..) And Lots More About Life and Death, Healing and More!

on Tue, 02/28/2017 - 22:06 is the link you will want to click Today to sign up for a free week of talks on The Thyroid (yours, mine, everybody's). You'll probably want to thank me for trying to let you know in a timely fashion. You're Welcome! I only learned about it today while listening to my class from Suzanne O'Brien about being an End of Life Doula Caregiver, that is to say about death and dying and dealing with the aftermath of that for a family and friends right through a service and burial. She is breaking the ice on a topic most never brave talking about while alive.

I am also reading

Braving (having That Conversation..about measures to extend life or allow for passing and everything in between)

on Sun, 02/26/2017 - 02:42

If you want, skip right to to see what they say Before you read what I wrote by way of an intro, or continue as you like. Either way, good for you for 'taking the first step and Thinking about doing something or encouraging a friend or others to do so if you're all set...'

No one knows exactly how long they will live or moreover How they Might die. Most folks really don't want to think about it.

Timely Note about a Special Elder and End-of-Life Care Support Training from Suzanne O'Brien

on Sat, 12/31/2016 - 04:38


When reading about SVNA (Salisbury Visiting Nurses Assoc. needing more CNAs and Home Health Aides, I put this response on a local facebook forum page--which is a handy help to many for a community bulletin board as well as few reflections by moi and many others. I will try to summarize some highlights, but one person posted about a new sober house in Millerton NY to help people after their short recovery/ detox programs. Very helpful.

Much help is needed to address the thousand people passing each month from drug overdoses in this country.
