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Sending out Loving Thoughts for Healing and Helping In Our Areas, States and Beyond

on Wed, 07/31/2019 - 19:55
Unbelievably but sadly true, someone passed at the Falls in Falls Village Ct and Salisbury CT during a recreational time due to slipping just before he was checking out a jump site. While the body of this man was recovered on Wednesday, July 31st, 2019 the name was incorrectly given by police to the press. I will refrain from conveying it until I feel certain everything is accurate. That is another important reminder to have a few people checking key details since people can have similar names and be from similar places.
The warm July 30th, 2019 Tuesday evening around 7 pm, the man was with a

The Energy Medicine and Healing Summit on The Shift Network Free for a Few Days April 2017

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 03:09

While it's hard to get to everything one would like to listen to and learn about, some oldies but goodies to be aware of are making waves on the internet and in many programs large and small. Not on mainstream media or society but plenty just a few leagues out from there. Sports, the arts, creative thinkers and artists all tune into 'energy fields', some in direct ways with pushing limits physically or using strategies to create and others more from a place of connection with the earth, others, the stars, guides (here and in spirit) and so on.