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Timely Note about a Special Elder and End-of-Life Care Support Training from Suzanne O'Brien

on Sat, 12/31/2016 - 04:38


When reading about SVNA (Salisbury Visiting Nurses Assoc. needing more CNAs and Home Health Aides, I put this response on a local facebook forum page--which is a handy help to many for a community bulletin board as well as few reflections by moi and many others. I will try to summarize some highlights, but one person posted about a new sober house in Millerton NY to help people after their short recovery/ detox programs. Very helpful.

Much help is needed to address the thousand people passing each month from drug overdoses in this country. I read that NH is getting big bucks to help stave off the problem after 500 have died in that state.Now back to the idea of helping people in their homes and with dealing with aging (and by extension end-of-life issues and planning.)

I know some folks who could do CNA and Homecare but who need childcare... Maybe a few networking sessions to see who needs help with rides, kids, housework and so on (shopping, meals, laundry, you know The Basics until they are up and runnin'...) would make more sense.

Likely some other folks (mostly moms and women but who knows) could fill in, do some 'pay it forward time', get time bank credits, make friends and so on to help a few more folks keep their show on the road.. Oh yes, a little extra toward housing (a room perhaps for guests and such, could also help so if a Mom needs childcare, the Mom could maybe return from a shift and sleep in with her child rather than carry them out at night, you see?

When I did that kind of work (even Very Pregnant in faraway Millbrook, I would rest on a couch all night...until the family realized I was due any day and said maybe they'd like someone not Quite so pregnant, but I needed the money and 'felt fine'. Even funds to help more moms 'get off their feet or at least home for a week or two before show time would be a great 'in house or community benefit'. Same with after having a child--a good month off please for ALL MOMS..

More folks pitching in (with help and yes maybe some dollars if a budget if short, maybe even a loan etc) could help people feel supported And ready to get back to working for wages. Okay, hope that helps. Seems there's never a good time to mention even the more important things, but it is time for 'new year's resolutions' and those could include helpful ideas for US-All, such as Village 2 Village Network. Also, I am taking Suzanne O'Brien's Doula Care giving program which is only 750 if signing up (and okayed) by 12-31 if you ask 1-1-17 the price is 1200.for the 250 savings (offered in an email earlier this month.)

After and on 1-1-17 the rate is 1200, so 'sign up soon' if wanting in on this important work. See more online and give her a call or email. I can share some of what I learn (the average hourly will be 40 plus an hour) and doing her consulting program for end of life directives could help someone earn 70-125 an hour with a 2-hr minimum.

That is not the reason to train really..It's a delicate yet critical set of topics for our country to help people understand and plan for. Okay, hope that is helpful and I'm sure many would benefit from the info. Again, I will try to share some highlights. I feel fortunate to have met her up here and learn of the offer to take the online program (and the live day session on 1-15-17 though I'll have to miss MOMIX at the Warner..oh well, Next year.)

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