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The Shift Network

A Note to Communities In America and Around The World...Let's Network (with a free recording and programs from The Shift Network and more)

on Mon, 08/19/2019 - 18:36
More people are learning about 'integrative health'. I write about some of this on my community-service and thinking out loud blog... Gregg Braden is doing a program with this person (and a few others in the cutting edge field of metaphysics, quantum science and so on...don't quote me just a lot of Cool Important Stuff integral to our modern day world in critical ways...)
There is a free talk online and another program offered...maybe a few folks could join together, take it and summarize some highlights?

Enneagram Class Online With Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb on The Shift Network

on Wed, 08/08/2018 - 17:32

Not much notice, but I'm passing this along since I just opened up an invite to join an online program of 17 classes over that many weeks with the renowned Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb. Check it out on along with other cool programs inspiring to read about. Maybe find a friend and consider when a program may work (for a few of you to afford and do together.) Some online programs are free, so start with those and see what you can really fit in. I find I over-reach with a few things so really need to pace myself and days.

 I'd love to take it yet don't feel I have the

Planting Gardens and Movements to Heal Our Communities from the Poor to the Rich

on Tue, 04/17/2018 - 15:10 is worth a few minutes of one's time and consideration. Thanks for being part of the solution in your local and online and larger communities. There are networks working steadfastly to keep us inspired and informed. "Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival".

I have heard of efforts from a newsletter from The Spiritual Progressives for over a year even though I didn't get around to doing the official trainings they offer Yet. It's on my list and maybe I can find a friend or two to join me in that or fill me in.

Jessica Dibb on The Living Enneagram on The Shift Network: Course Starts April 12, 2018

on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 01:08

How much could one or more people benefit from learning about 'their personality'.

See for programs Jessica Dibb offers.Hearing one of her talks is inspiring and helpful.

Many likely have heard of the helpful book The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso and Hudson.

Jessica Dibb offers many insights into the nine personality types that are part of The Enneagram.

See more online and on and see if the intro videos appeal to you..and if you may benefit now or in the future from the programs offered. whether this on or another.

Some other

12 Week program (for just under $400 but ask friends and others to pitch in) called The Living Enneagram

on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 19:37

Yes there are programs for free online (talks on youtube and books such as The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Riso and Hudson), but in case you feel you'd like to learn from a set of videos and calls to coach you along might be of interest and huge benefit for yourself and others. Some 'challenges' may help one awaken to the influence of the personality on one's life force (and vice versa.) The website is has much more info. This is something I learned of through The Shift Network and Humanity's Team.
