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Keys to Healing, One Heart At A Time..."It's An Inside Game", see more on Humanity's Team

on Sat, 03/31/2018 - 16:05

 Inspiring talks in the spring have an extra sparkle. This talk notes that there are people who 'bless the waters' and more people realize we are 72% why wouldn't that be a good way to explore healing on those frequencies.

The photos and information about how our thoughts affect water by the Japanese doctor (and likely many others now) help people consider that there is a direct way that our thoughts impact the state of the water in our body..and therefore our whole being. This talk on youtube will open one's mind, heart and eyes to more aspects of

From My Blog to Your To-Do List (Your Thyroid Will Thank You..) And Lots More About Life and Death, Healing and More!

on Tue, 02/28/2017 - 22:06 is the link you will want to click Today to sign up for a free week of talks on The Thyroid (yours, mine, everybody's). You'll probably want to thank me for trying to let you know in a timely fashion. You're Welcome! I only learned about it today while listening to my class from Suzanne O'Brien about being an End of Life Doula Caregiver, that is to say about death and dying and dealing with the aftermath of that for a family and friends right through a service and burial. She is breaking the ice on a topic most never brave talking about while alive.

I am also reading

Looking back over the last few decades (yes 30 Years)--It Went By In Unexpected but Remarkable Ways..

on Mon, 02/13/2017 - 17:02

Looking over the memories on FB is helpful... and on the date 29 years after being married (Feb 13th) and having four kids (plus 5 miscarriages who I named and do count in as spiritual helpers for our crew and hopefully we served some purpose for them as well)...a whole new field of inquiry could allow more healing on one of those common but not much discussed areas..I will reflect more on the theories I've heard on and how some things played out for me.

One point was that after three miscarriage after our first lovely healthy child, I was worried I couldn't have any more... yet

The Blogpost that Changed the World Overnight, Wow!(written in a few hours upon waking up and hopefully shared with twitter and more folks chiming in ti fine tune)

on Wed, 07/20/2016 - 16:52

This long essay of sorts is better viewed with the following link.

 May the next Big News ideas be spread to keep folks safe, sane and sensible at each stage of life.

Whatever one's biological age,may logic and not only biology spur ideas and actions (which could be part of an overall game plan with team support and guidance!)

Check out scalar energy workonline and which has a book or two and youtubes talking about healing frequencies within everyone's reach and even over distances.

Do You Ever Wish Your Sweet BeYOUtoFull Self a Harmonious Happy Birthday?! Try It, It's Fun (and good for your memory and sense of joie de vivre inside and out) from 2/1963-05-14 (which makes this growing younger soul 53)

on Sat, 05/14/2016 - 15:39

 When I started this blog it was birthday time for me...and do it is again, May 14th, 2016 (or with my new system of coding 2(for female)-1963-05-14 and in terms of a Birth mother of one male and three females, my code is 1-(for category of males whichis listed first)1(number of sons)then a comma and,2-(for category of females which is listed second) 3(for number of daughters). That can be listed with my gender as follows 2/1-1,2-3, If I wanted to include my birthyear (and month and day all in that order) with number of children I bore, that would be 2/1963-05-14/1-1,2-3.

As many know with
