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More Posts on A Great Way to Share Ideas (though this format works too, but it's not free..)

on Fri, 10/27/2017 - 18:30

Hoping to streamline the flow of ideas onto one main site and that likely will be 

 You can have your own blog (with a user name or your real name..I would recommend a fake name if you want to start out easy breezy) on that site too.They have some for free and then there are upgrades. I have lots to learn and have put a few posts on over the past, but frankly have forgotten about it since I use this site from Bluehost usually.

Life Is Not Only About Living Well but about Dying Well...with a PLAN (please if possible) to only have things go Your Way medically or without interventions...

on Sun, 10/08/2017 - 02:31

I spent some time lying on the lawn at dusk looking up at the sky in Central Park in New York City after taking the Consultant Training to be a non-medical consultant. about End of Life matters.

The information regarding End of Life decisions and paperwork, policies for medical people or responders can vary state to state as to what is required.