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World Views May be Key to How We Live and How We Die..and How We Return or Otherwise Go On...

on Thu, 09/21/2017 - 20:52

This was a post shared with my End of Life Doula friends online, but it didn't post. Thankfully I revived it (and even took pictures of it with my phone in case I couldn't get it to transfer..) It covers the Gamut of What we each may wonder about from time to time.

Are You a Creative Catherine, Kind (and Courageous) Kaelan or a Ninja Noah?

on Mon, 06/19/2017 - 16:29

Part of taking AVP (Alternatives to Violence Program) that is offered in communities and within prisons is to 'rename yourself'. I actually thought of using a adjective with the same starting letter or sound for my kids before this I think because I liked that Lavender and Leah flowed. I thought of Kind Kaelan back when our one son was young and always looking out for his others (mostly Sharing Sharon and Joyful Jessie  and Lovely Lanie (code name just to give the idea and get the overall point across).

These names still ring true and can remind me (and them as they choose) of those

How is New York and The Rest of the World Waking Up on September 11th, 2016m 15 years later after 3K headed to heaven (minus a few likely who did the harm)?

on Sun, 09/11/2016 - 11:47

 When I was in New York a few months ago, I heard the psychic medium Mark Anthony speak about our loved ones on the other side. He also had two books he had written, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go (of the love we have for our those who have crossed over and are in spirit.) The first book describes a number of readings he has done for people that provide singular details about their loved ones to show there are signs and messages from them.

He and many others have a theory that a spirit can communicate with loved ones and others to help them, even people they hadn't met . Many