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Count to 10 in a new way and with the message for US-All--WE MUST HELP! :Women's Experiences with Mothers Uniting to Share Truths, Heal, Examine, Learn, Problem-solve and Progress!

on Thu, 05/12/2016 - 14:44

This idea emerged from long ago as I grew up in a large family and had many relatives on both sides (I have yet to count them up but plan to before long plus I know a Mormon person has charted not only the recent generations but a couple or more prior generations. There are family trees and geneograms and ethnograms to chart things like relationships, changes in status of relationships, even health issues to be aware of familial risks or attributes.

) I studied social psychology at Vassar in the 1980s and it was a given when 'doing a study' to notate male and female subjects (why not just

Living Into Dying by Nancy Jewel Poer a Real Gem and Help for Threshold Work of Transition (and first Few Days after a person Dies)

on Mon, 11/16/2015 - 21:51

Of all the things we have in common such as being born, there's the other side of the rainbow, called 'dying or crossing the threshold'..and being dead for a few days. What difference might a few days make, many may wonder?

The theory of Rudolf Steiner as covered with stories by someone who actually experienced caring for the dead over many years, indicates there may be a three to three and a half day transition period After one has died.

During that time one's etheric body returns to another realm and one's life force energy blends with the world and nature.

Finding inspiration as April begins with reverent remembrances...

on Sat, 04/04/2015 - 01:16

Once again our communities have had hard losses to bear over the winter as well as when spring returns.
