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With a Little Help from Our, even ones we haven't met (yet)!

on Tue, 08/02/2016 - 23:50

Has anyone tuned into a free offer that sounded  too good to be true but actually was cool? Thankfully, I have enjoyed getting a Free Book (just pay Shipping and Handling of 10 bucks) from Jennifer McLean.

I have yet to read it but enjoy everything she's been sharing for months online and felt ten dolares was worth it. Plus it's full of important ideas to center and help one feel grounded and open to healing.

So next up I hear from Ryan Eliason, again with groovy emails and videos..and now a Free Book. I almost didn't bother since I was expecting a whopping S&H fee, but thought I'd check.

Healing and Helpful Ideas, plus quick overview on Jesus as healer

on Tue, 08/02/2016 - 17:09

As with many posts, this flows like a river of ideas so works well to view in this link from Google Documents.Explore using that with a librian or other trusty friend at a library, just for safety and support. Here's to your health and wellness on all levels.These are all my opinions and summaries so do not take as advice or gospel, thanks.

One point I didn't have time to make is that unfortunately as the late Mr.

Step Back in Time in Sharon CT to Glean Ideas for Today

on Mon, 08/01/2016 - 21:56

The Sharon Historical Society in Sharon CT has a new exhibit up about the Jewish living experience from 1920-40 in the neighboring town of Amenia NY. Check their website for information on hours and more on their offerings. It never hurts to take time for those who have journeyed before us, paving the way and figuring out what can help one survive even in modern times when living and getting good care should not be challenge, yet still is at times even in more recent decades.

I wrote the following to one of the coordinators, noted author Carol Ascher who is a woman of much talent and

Donating to an Indiegogo Campaign for One Drop Premium can help you get some Perks. Let's Learn and Heal Together.

on Tue, 07/26/2016 - 04:03

The One Drop (see device and program to help monitor and track blood glucose levels is the bees knees if you are a diabetic or want to help someone who has that condition affecting almost 30 million people if I recall correctly (or will in short order). The Kickstarter Campaign for this needs a ton of support. I chipped in my five dollars and may look into doing something bigger with friends so we could secure a meter and test strips for a year for a person in need.

That could start a good thing going for more people in need and who Want To Help A Friend, Family Member of

Making an E-Book with Designrr...We'll see if it's as easy as they advertise. Could be a way to help many 'book maker' dreams come true for you and your tribe.

on Sat, 07/23/2016 - 22:07

My first experience with seeing my name in print in a newspaper for something I said was in second grade in our Kellogg student newspaper. When I got to Eighth grade I recalled that paper was put out by the older students, so I asked my teacher when we'd be doing that. She informed me there was no current publication but if I wanted to start one... Need she say more? I did the math of about 170 families versus many more students (maybe 250 but that's my guess).

This was back in the day of mimeograph, 1976  in a small town.
