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Donating to an Indiegogo Campaign for One Drop Premium can help you get some Perks. Let's Learn and Heal Together.

on Tue, 07/26/2016 - 04:03

The One Drop (see device and program to help monitor and track blood glucose levels is the bees knees if you are a diabetic or want to help someone who has that condition affecting almost 30 million people if I recall correctly (or will in short order). The Kickstarter Campaign for this needs a ton of support. I chipped in my five dollars and may look into doing something bigger with friends so we could secure a meter and test strips for a year for a person in need.

That could start a good thing going for more people in need and who Want To Help A Friend, Family Member of someone they know. More information is needed yet there are ways to ask questions of founder Jeff Dachis (sounds like Dutchess and he's from NYC) who got Type One late in life, not common but part of the reason he wanted to make a central way to gain information and create community around addressing the issue of diabetes.

Learn more with your own visit to his Kickstarter site, check out the video and Share the Message. Everyone chipping in WILL make a difference! All the best and don't forget (like I sometimes do) to get adequate rest.. Like time for me to hit the hay and remember 'bed (and sleep) are my Friends'.

I hear them calling now, so Good Night and Sleep Tight wherever you are. I hear not eating after 6 or so at night and not until 6 or so in the am is helpful to keep blood sugars more mellow, but that's not medical advice, just something I heard and wanted to encourage people to Check with their Doctors about, do research and see what works for them to Prevent Blood Sugar Imbalances and of course to remedy any diabetic condition in some way by paying attention to strategies of timing, quality and quantity of food  and drink consumed. Eating slowly while sitting down and even getting centered with a few quieting breaths and closed eyes (like mine are doing right now, blink,, blink) may help one enjoy one's meal more too. So bon appetit and steer clear of the starch and sweet...

Did I mention I actually met someone last week who knows this Jeff fellow quite well. We got onto the topic of when speaking of cool ways to handle diabetes and lo and behold, I got intrigued and have now thought to tell you about their free newsletter and important work (not yet FDA approved, but that will be applied for.) Okay, need to, g'nite.

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