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Back to Basics Like Housing and Education for Little People with Help from the "Have's" Please!

on Thu, 09/08/2016 - 14:56

A couple with a child needs housing. This may not make the headlines but did make it to my attention. Their situation was one where a third party did not pay their share of the rent and they face eviction. Let me know at if you have ideas or funds to help them. I offered that they try a Go Fund Me and ask for help with some more advocates. Unfortunately being public and direct for certain needs can red flag people in many states for a DCF investigation.

Anyone Else Try Designrr Programming (or check and Sigil) to make E-books from Blog Posts? I have taken the jump and I'll let you know how I land--this Should be Very Interesting...

on Thu, 09/01/2016 - 04:26

I'll let you  in on a little secret before I fall asleep at midnight, way past my 9:30 hoped-for bedtime. I listen to a few talks online about to talk computer lingo, learn about 'driving traffic to my site', creating funnels and getting more views of my posts and so on. I don't actually Do anything after watching these fellows scribble on whiteboards about how if you start here and do a few hops and take Action Steps you land There, right near the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Well, somehow after learning some basics about the set-up of a site giving Free Info then

How Do You Feel about Having Your First Name on a T-shirt, or your Zodiac Sign, Birth Month (such as May-Baby/ Arrival) ?

on Tue, 08/30/2016 - 21:10

Is this an eye-dea for the day as old as the sun? A T-Shirt...but so Personal, as in a First Name (oh, the safety concerns likely would kaibash it but you could wear it at home, or to school events to help folks remember your name, etc. It would have to be Worn with care, not necessarily washed with special instructions.) I have thought this through from time to time.

Maybe NAMETAGS are a way to go, again using caution as to where and when using, or on one's kids.

Discover some great info and products for you and others at A friend told me about Sweet Ease (in warmer months only) and I was pleased with lower blood sugar numbers (not sure if it led to that but didn't keep it from happening)

on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 21:15

Who has ever heard of Ashwandaga? No? How about Neem? Maybe, right. Delight your mind with the eye-dea of Ayurvedic herbals to assist your body type with balance internally and physically, energetically and well, pracitically. I know very little but an intrigued (thought of spelling that as InTreegued since there are many healing ideas branching off one another in that school of healing.) I know a cool fellow who travelled  to India to learn about that and I believe is helping with a new place in Newburgh NY.

When Street Fairs, Services and Situations become Like Sweat Lodges, Get Water, Wet and Wish for Wonderful Healings for Mind, Body, Soul and the Whole World

on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 12:12

After that winding introduction and the wishful thought of wild winds moving the heavy heat out of a NY apartment  where I've been sweating it out much of the summer (but thankfully with some working Air Conditioning whereas not everyone has working AC.). I could use Another sip of my cool lemon water. Not ice cold, just from the tap, which is better for the body and can help it maintain homeostasis, the same temperature.

We have to think of ourselves at times as machines or vehicles not unlke automobiles.
