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A Quick Comment on the UN Women's Thanks to Ban Ki-moon who helped start it

on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 03:44

What a treat to see a site called which seemed to have Good News such as making plates from Leaves rather than plastic. The next short video (a couple of minutes) was on the UN Women showing the work done by Ban Ki-moon. Very inspiring ideas...gender equality and Ending Violence Against Women by 2030 (of course, the sooner the better.) A few folks in the comments were Not Impressed however, alleging the UN is not doing what they could to promote peace and health in all places they have access.

To the extent that's true, that is a problem.

Doe-A-Deer Chakra Clearing Song..shares Jen McLean on her free talks Yet More Discussion about Domestic Abuse needed to help the Systems Respond Appropriately

on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 14:28

 Jennifer McLean is braving a lot of sensitive, serious territory. She promotes the ideas of Carl Jung's sense of 'we are one, we are each contributing to the whole in a unique way." She also uses the idea that we are each a puzzle piece that  is informed by our soul's expression of divinity.

From One Waterfall to the Next, Keeping Afloat on Earth with Open Hearts and Minds

on Sat, 12/17/2016 - 14:16
Sharing one of those 'annual memories that pop up on FB'...of a fellow in his thirties standing on rock in a faraway land in a shorts with his arms stretched wide (like another fellow who loved the Grand Canyon did once in a photo many of us like and which I have done in front of the Florida ocean coast as giant wave of love to y'all). In this energizing photo of the strapping fellow, a waterfall fills the background along with a natural pool in the river with folks sitting on other rocks and swimming. I happened to just reflect on how our teen son Kaelan A. P.

Radiance Reignited raising funds to help kids stay safe abroad. Gift-giving ideas to help others always very cool. Thanks a bundle!

on Mon, 12/12/2016 - 05:48

Many folks are tech savvy enough to know how to do a GoFundMe or other kind of fundraising for a good cause. When there is an immediate need, there is often a local circle of giving. Some more popular online personalities and outreaches give to specific organizations (see Jennifer McLean's very inspiring initiatives abroad which partner with a Five Pillars Community Model, that helps bring clean water and food, healthcare and school services as well as basic housing etc to encourage a community to take root and be able to flourish.)

The Radiance Reignited email I got from Elisabeth Shaffer

As Soon As Many of US Heard About the "Shooting (Not Killing, thankfully) Done at Comet Pizza" we all had to pause and reflect..

on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 02:16

First off, sincere condolences to all fo the people affected directly by the incredibly dangerous actions of the gunman who wanted to take matters into his own hands by driving a few hundred miles and firing a gun in the pizza restaurant in DC that was at the center of allegations online of running a crime ring against minors.

If it hadn't been the rash of 'fake news' (though many are debating who is declaring what true or false still, and how will we know 'for sure' what's what), the person, a man in this case, likely would have hurt someone due to his perceptions and taking severe actions
