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As Soon As Many of US Heard About the "Shooting (Not Killing, thankfully) Done at Comet Pizza" we all had to pause and reflect..

on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 02:16

First off, sincere condolences to all fo the people affected directly by the incredibly dangerous actions of the gunman who wanted to take matters into his own hands by driving a few hundred miles and firing a gun in the pizza restaurant in DC that was at the center of allegations online of running a crime ring against minors.

If it hadn't been the rash of 'fake news' (though many are debating who is declaring what true or false still, and how will we know 'for sure' what's what), the person, a man in this case, likely would have hurt someone due to his perceptions and taking severe actions without checking in with anyone or even better, checking himself into a psych center if he knew he might hurt or kill someone. Maybe more studies have to be done about this kind of 'tunnel vision of rage or serious cognitive distortions'.

What seems logical to an unbalanced person, is not something he (or she) will know to check with someone about,yet we don't seem to have a clear Name for That Condition...and it could be more rampant than most realize. Not that it results in injury or death for someone, but the pursuit of craziness seems one that can grab hold of someone and there is no respite or stop gap measures in place 'from the outside' (and again clearly not from the inside.) Think That MIGHT be a Problem? Why don't we Talk About It? 

Unfortunately there were likely many threads of truth regarding the criminality of abuse of children mixed in with whatever was deemed 'fake news'. It is not right for anyone to 'take measures into their own hands." Too often Victims or their Advocates can feel they Deserve to Know the Truth or Hear the strange reason or history of someone who is crossing boundaries, committing a crime, putting someone (especially a minor or weaker party) in danger.

Unfortunately, as discussed in many a show or article, that can be the 'turning point' where not only some truth is learned but emotions and reactions can go wild. Suddenly a victim may want to express their anger, rage or even seek justice. Sometimes the perpetrator is ready to cover their tracks with denial, lies or if caught, retaliation. The kind of harm can be unpredictable, take many forms all at once or over time, involve legal actions and of course, more which can cause injury, permanent harm or death.

A more recent time of remembrance of TANSH (Tragedy and Trauma at Newtown, Sandy Hook) which occurred on December 12th, 2012 (and which I responded to on this blog as a fairly new commentator), an ad from Sandy Hook promise trying to raise awareness about the reality of mental health being a factor in such tragic events depicts a scenario similar to what unfolded in CT with a school day in session and a kid lurking in the background pulling a gun out. I read about that in the NY Times (which I found a free copy of on the corner) from today, 12-10-16.

The coverage of Trump's picks and policies revealing unpopular tactics and savings for the ultra rich were summarized. That was not fake news.

The set of headlines and posts I put on this blog about 'maybe Trump is supposed to help us get through difficult times, based on what some on youtube were saying, was to try to be fair and have hope in the face of hearing 'it could be bad either way'. Again, the evidence of what either candidate would do would be helpful to know well in advance.

The 'mask of deception' in terms of the public propaganda is being scrutinized and more of the 'seemingly reliable' aspects of society seem to be needing major overhauls. Maybe more women and youth could collaborate to have a collective voice, much like the Black Lives Matter movement aims to unite people of color, or primarily those of African American ethnicity. The discussions will be happening with a broader context of discussion. I got to see a few of the Brooklyn Permaculture projects and a dozen or more folks receive their PC Basics Certification.

Instructor Andrew Faust is worth looking up online to get inspired about what you can do if you Care About People (that's a nice kind of CAP to put on as one pursues survival not only for oneself but for one's network and wider community and yes, even the world.) He waxes serious and optimistic while sharing the basics and more in-depth ideas about creating a vision for connecting with others on our planet in meaningful, ecological ways.

Keeping the focus on helping people have a place to eat, live and co-exist with dignity can spur more collective efforts, whether improving one's niche at home or in the wider arena. The concepts of permaculture (permanent agriculture but also social and other aspects of maintaining a town, state or country) are explored on Count yourself as having taken your first steps if you've gotten through this much info and give yourself 50 points toward 100 if you check out a few sites online. Happy Camping and Keep it Real (not fake)... Hugs and Hope for All to Join in Such Efforts Year-Round and Throughout the Seasons of One's Life!


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