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A Moment of Silence for Those Crossing Over, Hugs Around the World Not Only of Sorrow But of Hope!

on Tue, 11/29/2016 - 13:42

 Every season brings its own natural joys while the sorrow of having to say 'so long for now, that too often feels like a final goodbye' can make any day seem like an event of poor design, of injustice and great sorrow. Such is the case today when hearing of the loss of a soccer team in Medellin, Colombia in South America with a total of 76 heading to heaven rather than to their dream event of ascending to great ranks in the soccer world.

They had defeated two tough teams from Argentina and were flying 300 miles from their home turf since their stadium was deemed 'too small' even at 22,000

Great Guthrie Thanksgiving in MA, Hope Yours Was a Delight as Well!

on Fri, 11/25/2016 - 00:33

The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth MA in 1620, according to a friend who knows history off the top of his head and is related through the grapevine to an original settler of the states of MA and CT.

Not everyone with such connections takes the time to look it up. I hope to pursue more historical family tree and by association area and state roots with more time in historical societies, reviewing geneology and reconnecting with family and friends near and far.

Once back in the 1980s, I travelled out West to see tons of family on my Dad's side out in New Mexico.

Not Easy to Do Some Homework About The Clintons..Rather Disturbing so Until You Do Some Searches, Think Twice about Next Steps. Seems Trump also has more dark history than most knew..".What to DO?", asks me and you.

on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 16:36

What are the odds I would be inspired all week and take a half a day writing on about Forgiveness and Sprituality, and Then late at night, after reviewing some of for extra inspiration I tune into some of the FBI, wikileaks and and talk shows (Alex Jones I think if I recall), about the Clintons 'darker history'. I always imagined if there were something of substance the media (NY Times, Washington Post etc) would cover it.

Once upon a time, President Trump was a...Pharaoh?! According to Dr. Baskaran Pillai that would be a "yes'.

on Fri, 11/18/2016 - 17:16

 In the days before the  2016 US Presidential election which rocked the world (and should bring more support and attention to Standing Rock folks protesting the ruin of their lands for pipelines), Lisa Garr from was interviewing two dozen amazing thinkers from around the world and about the topic of the Soul, our lives before we are born and after we leave this realm.

It's still free today, Nov 18th, 2016.--or for purchase later, Dr.

From festive Open House at LIU (Long Island University in Brooklyn NY) to Inspiration from Marilyn Jenette (on

on Mon, 11/14/2016 - 03:48

During a chance to enjoy the Open House (which I noticed yesterday was happening when I passed by on my way to a permaculture program) at the downtown Brooklyn location of LIU, Long Island Universtiy, I got to meet a nice handful of professors (in the nursing department to appreciate our unsund heroes and heroines who pursue this work) as well as eager students, both new and returning.

Remarkably they have over two hundred spots for students to enroll on an open basis if they meet the criteria.
