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A Quick Comment on the UN Women's Thanks to Ban Ki-moon who helped start it

on Tue, 12/20/2016 - 03:44

What a treat to see a site called which seemed to have Good News such as making plates from Leaves rather than plastic. The next short video (a couple of minutes) was on the UN Women showing the work done by Ban Ki-moon. Very inspiring ideas...gender equality and Ending Violence Against Women by 2030 (of course, the sooner the better.) A few folks in the comments were Not Impressed however, alleging the UN is not doing what they could to promote peace and health in all places they have access.

To the extent that's true, that is a problem. We almost have to assume there can be corruption in any organization, any international endeavor and even abuse toward the 'weaker sex' (so deemed culturally in far too many places in this modern world.) Still, the numbers of folks working on the issues and seeming to make strides was impressive. How quickly can we expect to turn around a huge ship that's been going in one direction for decades.. maybe 10-20 years isn't so bad..Yet sooner would be better. 

 Thanks for checking out a site to see some Good News..even if it's not perfect. And let's all try to be a mini-UN of good standing wherever we go. Happy last half of December and a shout out to those Turning 18...keep celebrating the 18th of the month throughout the year... Many other ideas for each age and stage of life on a post from 2014, I'll try to put the link up. Also Girls Rising Inc is a great outreach to help educate gals around the world... Ideally more women can wait until 18 (or older) to get involved with someone in a serious physical relationship.

See one of the first posts, Checklist for Chicks and Guys (google that and it might come up.) The more good ideas a culture promotes, the faster they catch on as free choices made by the citizens. We all influence each other, so limit the Disney media and others that claim our 'head space' and key years of growing. Stay active and engaged with positive people in public places and ideally keep a team of support throughout one's life for handy helpers and happy companions to celebrate the turn of seasons and years.

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