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Congratulations to the hard-won effort of becoming CT State Troopers to the 25 New Graduates from the Academy in Meriden Ct, August 2018

on Thu, 08/02/2018 - 23:44

Thanks to CT  Rep. Brian Ohler for posting on the Northwest Corner Chatter about attending the graduation ceremony at the CT Police Academy recently. The bravery and skill required to do this most challenging job which requires an array of skills and endurance for sitting behind the wheel, driving and sometimes chasing people down in a car or on foot calls to heroes in the making, Ideally each trooper has a good circle of support and can be encouraged to develop that over time to meet whatever stress comes up.

Difficult Post So Put Down Your Coffee. First Inspired by the Idea of Taming Some Misguided Pitbulls to play with kids as in "Pittie Nation", but then talking about taming abusers..hmmm

on Wed, 08/01/2018 - 17:27

 I am sharing my response to a recent post from "Pittie Nation" about a family whose trained many pitbulls to be tame, some of whom had been mistreated and were aggresseive. An idea came to my mind --what about:'Taming  agrressive Pit bulls, Taming Abusers". Not to say Pit Bulls are any more aggressive than other dogs naturally, a few savvy friends and the video point out...People mistreating them or training them to be so is the cause of that. This post explores the general sense of nature vs nurture, causes and cures for abuse and...I'll refine more or add your comments.

Thanks to Survive the Drive Outreach (as we share the road of life and driving)...and Big Thanks Also to All Doing Outreach On Alcohol and Drug Addiction: You May Have Saved a Life or More!

on Tue, 07/31/2018 - 21:46

When people don't have hope, things can take a downward spiral in a heart beat. When tragedy after tragedy hits a small town or even a small state, or a bigger one, the hurt can be overwhelming..a mix of shock, anger, despair, pain and confusion. Not an easy thing to come out of, like a life in a tailspin. But some programs are shedding light on ths bleak aspects of difficult dynamics involved in drug addiction..and alcohol is a drug yet is often given separate billing.

From a Faceook post, I learned that there are mounting concerns in our quiet rural northwest corner of Connecticut.

Kudos to the Yoga Teacher Graduates from YogaByCandace and Namaslay Training in Thailand..You Did It and None Too Soon!

on Mon, 07/30/2018 - 02:53

 Having just seen an exciting show of The Little Mermaid with a thousand folks, including many starry eyed kids, get ready for many to find their niche in wonderful ventures and trainings...There was a fair amount of flying in the show but those doing yoga get into the zone while mostly on the ground.

I also saw a clip of Cirque Us who'll be at our local Berk-Cirque in Great Barrington MA. The yoga, movement, and dance people will be the healing leaders of tomorrow..Thanks for all you do from here to Thailand and many other places and thankfully, back again.

More Musings About the Wonderfulness of the NW Corner of CT (mostly recapping Cornwall Coolness)

on Sat, 07/28/2018 - 03:57

I read about the memories a fellow had of the Egremont  MA Carnival from long ago..before liability and regulations made it less possible to proceed...

That got me thinking back on the many years of Falls Village Carnival fun we had as kids (and kept checking in on as adults too, with fewer firetruck rides, but plenty of good memories to review and renew...)

 This post is about a 'Cornwall Story' which was recorded as part of their 275th celebration, which included a play at the Town Hall by the Grumbling Gryphons (with great clips on youtube and a summer camp that runs in early August) ,
