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Center for Judicial Excellence

Difficult Post So Put Down Your Coffee. First Inspired by the Idea of Taming Some Misguided Pitbulls to play with kids as in "Pittie Nation", but then talking about taming abusers..hmmm

on Wed, 08/01/2018 - 17:27

 I am sharing my response to a recent post from "Pittie Nation" about a family whose trained many pitbulls to be tame, some of whom had been mistreated and were aggresseive. An idea came to my mind --what about:'Taming  agrressive Pit bulls, Taming Abusers". Not to say Pit Bulls are any more aggressive than other dogs naturally, a few savvy friends and the video point out...People mistreating them or training them to be so is the cause of that. This post explores the general sense of nature vs nurture, causes and cures for abuse and...I'll refine more or add your comments.

As the Hurt and Anger Builds Over the 2K Kids Held By Immigration Rules, Inquire About The Cancer in the Family Courts

on Tue, 07/03/2018 - 02:52

There's a lot of info on CA Protective Parents and The Center of Judicial Excellence to help America understand that what happens at the border is not much different that what happens in Family Court in our country. It's not comprehensible and often has people disbelieving it (if they are not living through it...or know someone they care about going through such horrors.)
We need to promote Resolution 72 in the Congress to address these matters which Mothers of Lost Children have helped initiate.