Hello and how are you doing these days? If you are taking note of this Good Friday as a special time recognized by Christians and possibly others for the historical and cultural tradition as the time of the passing of Jesus under difficult circumstances, some more profound than most may have considered, then I am acknowledging that with you as well.

I realize for whatever reason we haven’t had ways to discuss the events of not only 2020 years ago (or thereabouts when time was reframed to be since the time of Jesus with AD meaing After Death and BC meaning Before Christ). This is the time of Passover which is an event even further back in time which I review in a prior post. It is also the time of a full moon. JaiDevSingh.com is offering a special 40-day program to strengthen breathing and explore one’s mindset.

I have ventured into more online time while ‘home alone’ (though I live with others…so that’s not as alone as some who are really solitary in their dwelling place.) Apparently I am not alone in my increased use of online time whether watching talks, using Facebook (which has gone up 50% in terms of people being on it compared to when it generally peaks around New Year’s. )

I learned this from part of a program about marketing..and I’m feeling that after a few years of listening to Jenn McLean (getting her book Spontaneous Transformation Technique and hearing here monthly circles that are free, and talks with many on her show Healing With the Masters), Carolin Soldo (whose offering a free program to become a life coach so we should all cash in on That offer!), Ryan Levesque of The ASK Method and his recent 5-day Charity Challenge which raised 20K for the Red Cross…and he also sponsors a school in Africa with his company among other ‘giving back efforts’).

Other helpful people to know about (and see some special offers for this CV-19 time) include Laurie Moore (or animiracles,com who offers books and paintings and can tune into people and animals and offers wonderful programs..one of which I got to attend in person in Hawaii pre-CV-19), David Adelson (with an array of silent energy programs and practical tips on youtube and new offerings on his site), Jenn August (just starting to hone in a on program with her about blocks I may have toward progressing and making or connecting with money…subliminal and otherwise for instance..),The YouWealthRevolution.com folks led by Darius B., Jarrad Hewett, Deborah Wayne and many others, The Beyond the Ordinary show folks led by John Burgos, and many others who are all rather amazing people.

Oh, I forgot to mention The Reconnection.com folks, Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer who’ve hosted some free talks and have online programs as well as the books to help people consider there are new frequencies bring light and information to the planet. Then there is Judy Satori with her Ascension Library and many others from New Life Expo with Mark Becker.

That will be online as a new format on a few more weekends with speakers every half hour. All of them have websites and info to shed more insights into health,healing and connecting with parts of one’s own spirit and those of others. Some mediums also share about those who are here and who have journeyed on. Talks and resources at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington MA have been a helpful resource over the years. More recently the Walking Our Talk (WOT) circles for women in the Berkshires is a model many communities are finding helpful to create more support for people whether of a certain gender, age group, need or other niche.

That is common to help people go through any kind of transition, learning skills and healing as well as good ol’ socializing. Many groups such as Toastmasters.org and even faith groups and 12-step programs have found ways to have buddy systems, accountability partners or sponsors, mentors and protege relationships and break out times to socialize informally with phone chains, online meetings or other venues. Maybe letter writing and journaling will come back in style.

Even recording oneself on a zoom platform can be a way of sharing ideas and journaling then having that to share in another format so a group of people could each have plenty of time to ‘explore what comes up for them’ or ways to address a topic without everyone needing to be on the line at the same time.

I suggested that people giving a speech in Toastmasters could practice and record themselves even as a way to monitor their staging and how close they would want to be to their computer when giving a talk (whether sitting or standing, check the volume and all of that such as check the environmental light and background setting, quiet wind chimes and pets if that’s not part of the show etc.)

Well many faith groups are finding ways to do some of their service online and some are still in their settings with music and preaching or other aspects of a service being shared livestream or via zoom. Many have recorded past services so those may be nice to share with the public or those interested. In terms of ‘getting the word out, asking what people need and what challenges they are facing particularly ‘with everything that is going on in the world’, people may be able to respond more readily before the services one has to offer are spelled out.

General categories such as ‘running a household, making meals, getting help with transportation or scheduling appointments, managing finances and keeping in touch with people’ might be some of the ways to then introduce what services you offer to address one of those areas. I realize with this blog I give out many solutions but am guessing at what people may need. I am not trying to be all things to all people but rather primarily reflect on what I have learned and see if it can be helpful to others.

Then I also give things a super duper review and ‘rewind the tape’ that led to any conflict or difficulty and use a concept to ‘intervene early in a situation to prevent a decline or downward spiral of events etc.’ I borrowed that insight from permaculture and also life experiences as a parent, athlete, student and more. Being aware of the practical ways ‘breaking a bigger project into smaller pieces and doing a little each day or week to get to the goal and work the process’ can be implemented in many aspects of one’s life.

When there are a few projects to juggle and prepare for that means More Planning and Scheduling, not less. Mapping out times on a calendar or in a notebook makes perfect sense, but Have I Done That? Not exactly. I put some online events on my calendar…(especially if I paid for them and there isn’t a replay.)

I will work at doing that Today for the ones I am signed up for as of now…starting with any I paid for. I heard some free talks and basically that has been my main fare online and even in life. Easier to fit the budget if it’s low-cost or better No Cost! That said, I have a few folks I usually talk to before Spending Any Money on a program or buying something over 50 dollars. I actually hope to do that latter one more regularly. to watch ‘binge shopping’ or sporadic purchasing…even for food that may be more than really needed.

Some of my larger shopping events in the past month were due to not having a car and not being sure when I’d get to the store again. I buy basic food that is fresh (avacodoes, romaine or real lettuce –not iceberg, apples, lemons, melon (monthly), brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, and mushrooms, eggs, cheese, milk and walnuts, almonds and pecans (sometimes), yogurt, raisins (for just a few to eat since their sweet and organic if possible since grapes are highly sprayed with pesticides), grapes, prunes ( to eat one a day or even less.)

Nice bread (whole wheat or rye,) potatoes, rice (brown if possible), and some chicken, fish and meat…not too much in any given day. Soup bone broth and apple juice or cide to water down, but watching the sugars to prevent diabetes and even pre-diabetes.

An A1C of 6 an endocronologist shared ‘is diabetes’ (not 7 like a longtime friend offered, or 6.5 which many other medical people feel is the start of a diagnosis.) The medical talks I have heard at events like New Life Expo (including by Kat James who has an excellent book I hope to get soon) often talk about ‘metabolic syndrome’ where a few things are ‘off’ and factoring into cycles of imbalance.

So weight gain resulting in obesity and diabetes has been referred to as diabesity,  Then there are Leptin Levels which we should know about but don’t. Keeping those in check may require a special diet. Once that is kept in check for weeks and months a system may reset itself to healthier functioning and levels.

That may be a life long journey to stay in check…which is a bit daunting, yet how many alcoholics are faced with ‘just that kind of challenge’. It’s an emotional, social and yes, physical game, but a healing journey with great results is what I’ve heard. It’s difficult to consider sometimes what would be needed to regain the health one may have had as a younger person, before having children or even since but with decades of ‘habits’ one way or the other and life challenges it can seem an uphill battle.

That’s where a lot of the ‘woo-woo’ healing energy programs and practical factors of getting sleep,having positive social interactions, making sure one is safe and getting regular physical, dental and even mental check ups (even with online info and consults) can be a plus.

Mapping out a journey from here to there healthwise, life wise, relationship wise and of course with learning and finances and keeping up basics to have a foundation to fine tune parts of one’s life are all part of being a person. Even if one has big health challenges or mobility set backs, having a team to assist a person is like being the CEO of a company and running the show with whatever support one has.

There are not a lot of guarantees in terms of a caregiving team, so ideally there would more community resources to help people think about what they would need and who would help them with any short-term times of need or longer ones. The CV-19 wave of challenges took the nation and world ‘by storm’ and created a lot of turbulence, fear and uncertainty in otherwise stable communities

. Now some of that is subsiding since the initial whammy has alerted people, towns, states and countries to the main factors about things that were not clearly understood about What and How to face this challenge, individually and collectively.Well, I will include other ideas soon enough.

Many people are coming up with creative ways to keep in touch, such as speaking to each other from their cars using cell phones if it’s too cold to roll down the windows (and we had a little snow here in  NWCT this morning) or dropping off groceries or other things but wanting to talk a bit more without going inside.

There are lots of ways people are taking precautions with wiping things down they have purchased, wearing masks or scarves –and maybe comfortable hats with a flap over the nose and mouth area if someone want to make those..something I thought of last night…) when around others (indoors or out)