Assess Plans & Resources, Implement, Learn


People Living with Agreements and Networking through Schools and Society for

Problem-solving teams, Exploring options, Amicable relationships, Community connections, Expressing respectfully for US-All!

“Let US-All grow in friendships with ourselves and others in balanced, healing ways whether in person or at a distance or in our hearts and minds!”

“Thanks for doing your part on Plan-it Heart aka Earth!”

“Think Big Picture…”

“Rething Everything. Re-start with a Smart Stop, Reflect (see APRIL above) and then Fresh Smart Start!”

Tip of the Day–Take inventory of one’s life on a timeline, include family, where one lived and went to school, friends and activities, skills and trips, new relationships, partnerships in personal life, parenting, family and friend ties in the communities, work and caring for others in one’s family and circles and life journey…Do Another Line for support for housing, care, transportation, school and programs, adventures and trips, business and more.

Then consider earning history and income from gifts as well as spending history. Focus on the last few years and then consider what one has invested in for care, learning (online and with programs, books, courses,travel etc) Do a basic tally of resources currently available and projected ways to cover daily living costs and ways to network to stretch funds, share or monetize talents, assets and more. We are in a new time of positive possiblities, even with gofundme.com outreach an option for most people (or asking for gifts or using patreon.com if marketing a talent or skills with donations as funds.

) Lots of ideas could start flowing, but walk through what one has achieved, consider doing some journaling with more details about the people, places and experiences on one’s time line to capture the riches of the past, and build self-confidence that one has support and can find a team to navigate current and future challenges. Find people with skills to look things up online or otherwise engage with the online resources. Request a laptop in every building or group one is part of to share in the online opportunities.

Organizing one’s own routines, daily, weekly and monthly, can help one pace one’s efforts and promote good regular eating and sleeping habits, doing work and sharing in other’s lives as is reasonable. Good luck to everyone and let’s appreciate this particular time of year historically, culturally, and spiritually as well as environmentally with nature abounding with new growth and time to plant seeds and nurture gardens, literally and figuratively in our communities and greater world for healing and dealing courageously and patiently with each new day. Peace and light, learning and Big Love to all…See other posts for more ideas along these lines…and more!