Dear Each and Every Reader,

Great to connect with you on this forum of

I’ve been meaning to get back here for quite some time but did post a bit on I will carry those over soon I hope (could be a hundred or more…woops, time flies by…) Some Special News is that I am in a book called the Community Book Project: 365 Days of Gratitude.

I share on Jan.5th of 2024 with a post about our late son Kaelan and how he lived fully yet crossed  over from this world to the next trying to save his pals. There were quite a few versions I worked on for a week or so, again there were delays due to caregiving for special people in my life…and sadly someone passed from cancer.

So all the world seemed a bit ‘fuzzy’. I learned a lot about the day to day care needed for someone who grew weak yet saw amazing efforts from many to bolster his care and needs. He was very appreciative yet also struggled at times to ‘make sense that his life was really coming to a mortal end.’

Only in his 60s and always full of energy and doing amazing things, even having had some setbacks ‘from Lyme’ which may have been the case but then ‘something more troubling’ and not easy to address until going to a specialist.

Someone else told me their loved one had that turn of events yet is making headway with chemo enough to be managing things rather well. Another shared that an older relative had an expensive drug to address a blood cancer and he had at least six years. So ‘each case is different’ is the mantra for many.

We heard lots of remedies from turkey tail and other things to try but the person has to have the energy and ‘stomach’ for such things and overall the appetite was not that strong.

So again seeing what one person does and the next can help one ‘be more aware of what to watch for’ and try to address needs early and often, especially for hydration with Pediolite and lemon and salt water or other options a doctor approves of. Too much water can throw electrolytes and the heart, kidneys and other organs need the right juice to function….

I shared a lot on Clubhouse over the summer and made my first house on June 15th, 2023…so you’re not too far behind and can skim through replays if you’d like to catch up on that… Most are a half hour or so but some run an hour or more, so pace yourself when walking and relaxing.

Not good to multitask and stay up late for one’s brain but I’ve done some of that and haven’t done my braintime except once or twice. I’m ready to get into routines again. Check out what Sensa offers too or other apps for ‘reminders to relax, map out emotions and have more check-ins, plans and goals.’

On Clubhouse there are many good coaches and Evan Carmichael will often have a guest recording and more to encourage others. is a real eye opener for using online and CH options to get the word out…and SisterSue and many more are working at helping make the world a nicer place..Okay goodnight for now and I’ll be posting a link soon I’m sure for the book and appreciate everyone so much who worked on the project and who can support the effort and enjoy a copy or two!

Best to all and reviews can help boost the ratings and spread the word! Thanks again and here’s to each of you with much Gratitude!

PS Kudos to The Lakeville Journal of CT and The Millerton News of NY for their ongoing great online and weekly print newspaper (and my letters were in a few times to the LJ…and I’ll post some here but they are on Thanks for all doing their part to make the community friendly, fair and fun for all! Best as folks head back to school and fall work and routines! I’m rooting for you as are countless others!