There is a group watching our for the world and particularly matters related to climate change. They organize public forums and demonstrations to bring awareness to concerns that are not acknowledged or addressed in a timely, comprehensive fashion (sounds a bit like how the playing ouf of the COVID19 pandemic caught most leaders and the public offguard.) This is from their site Let’s learn and support them in growing numbers…since they are seeking to protect US-All and the world at large. Thanks in advance for the time you have taken to learn and support others along these lines and for all you do personally to stay positive in the big game of LIFE!


A Citizens’ Assembly brings together everyday people from all walks of life to investigate, discuss, and make recommendations on an issue. Members of the Assembly are selected in a lottery process to ensure they aren’t beholden to any political party or special interest, and to ensure they actually reflect the whole country.

This means that anyone can look at a Citizens’ Assembly and see people who look like them, live like them, and share their concerns. With the aid of skilled facilitators, this representative group of everyday people works through information from a wide range of experts and stakeholders. They talk through different views and opinions and find common ground.

Citizens’ Assemblies are used around the world to address important issues that politicians are unwilling, or just plain afraid to touch. In recent years, Ireland has used Citizens’ Assemblies to successfully break the deadlock on two controversial issues: same-sex marriage and abortion. The recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly informed public debate and provided politicians cover to make the necessary changes. The Irish Citizens’ Assembly has also called for Making Ireland a Leader in Tackling Climate Change (scroll down to the Recommendations section to see their conclusions on this issue), and now the Irish Parliament is considering banning oil and gas exploration.


This is an emergency. The challenges are big, wide-ranging and complex. And solutions are needed urgently.

Extinction Rebellion believes that part of the problem is the way that government operates