Get ready to get inspired… just from hearing a bit from Gregg and Joe. They share the idea that the old paradigm has been falling away because new insights and ways of connecting are Attracting People who are looking to have meaning and better understanding rather than just ‘doing and collecting things and making traditional goals’.
People exploring and reviewing longheld beliefs with an open heart and mind is the new draw. This talk was part of a weekend that happened more than a year ago. Getting creative and being a work in progress is recommended to ‘decide who you are going to present to the world now’ then one can carry these exciting concepts forward.
I was at a talk with Gregg Braden just afew months ago in New Mexico…and that was spurred by someone encouraging me to hop on a plane and head to Hawaii for a nice week (10 days) with others and time to explore as supportive new friends with guidance from Laurie Moore of Lots of possibilities out there for ‘normal people’ like me and plenty more…now with Corona Virus 19 dancing around the plan-it we need to find our own moves and ways to respond, body, mind and soul.
A collective response is something Joe Dispenza was calling for a year prior to this challenge and shared he felt we were up for it. Gregg adds that it may depends on ‘the lens through which we view the world.’ Gregg said many religious leaders have been saying a shift was expected for a long time. I would like to see what he would say about Judy Satori.
He mentions that the 1980s being a time of Harmonic Convergence, an alignment on the Mayan Calendar preceding the bigger shift in 2012. Those poinst are made at about a half hour into the talk. He was saying things would not necessarily ‘all at once.’
But rather more people making changes individually about their healthcare, and many other aspects of our existence and more of our public talks about intuition and healing from the heart. Enjoy these ideas as Mother’s Day brightens many a person’s life this Sunday..and let’s all take a Moment of gratitude on Mother’s Day on Sunday, May11th, 2020. HugEnergy, Catherine Palmer Paton and friends