Judy Satori is offering a free online program via ascensionlibrary.org called “Breaking Through to help people on our lovely planet (which she shares is on our team as well) to have a kind of ‘shared journey and time of breaking through  to another dimension of ourselves. closer to our authentic selves.  Here is a link to the program event page  to sign up https://bit.ly/js_breaking_through 

In ways it’s like the stimulus checks that went out and other forms of loans and relief, but this is available to everyone who has access to a computer (and maybe headphones for more direct listening.)

There are six sessions and she suggests listening to them in order  for five times (of just the energy ultra light language’ after listening to the the full session once. The replay on the main webite hat the energy transmission piece in a separate window below added notes to the session.

Listening to that five times daily is what she recommends…and doing that for five days which can take about a half hour but can also be done in a few sesions throughout the day. After doing the first session, one can move onto the next to get the most benefit. It’s okay if one starts later in the program and it’s okay to listen to the live broadcast and then go back to where one is in the cycle, including just starting.

In various traditions there may be ‘speaking in tongues’ which ,may sound unintelligible but has meaning, sometimes whicn another person can interpret. Judy shares that she has channeled this kind of information for a couple of decades. It’s rather amazing to realize the amount of actual time and effort to do the kind of work she manifests especially in many differernt parts of the world.

Check with trusted friends and even one’s other supports in life if curious or wanting to double check. It may not be for everyone, and particularly many religions as set up may preclude the chance it would not be in alignment with their teachings or inquiry at this time. I feel it is worthwhile to let people know about it and explore it as it may be helpful.

Many people with an awareness of a greater picture of the universe and humanity share ideas such as this being the time of the end of a 26,000 year cycle and the beginning of a new one. Also people speak of this as a time the Mayans spoke of as one of change and healing (I think that’s the main message…) and the time of Aquarius with peace and love and understanding being more possible

. Not to rain on our parade of kind evolution but NoLiesRadio.org has quite a few programs indicating that not all are ‘team players’ and many in charge may not be wililng to disclose the truth of historical events (such as WW2 and 9/11 among others.) The whole question of the impact of 5G is something that also merits our collective serious consideration.

Meanwhile there’s a lot to think about in terms of ‘living with a sense of health and balance.’ Let’s keep good things growing but be ready to use this time of reset and tuning up to change what needs shifting for our personal and collective greater good (as in fewer cattle and allowing more time for our planet to heal from climate change… and more.) Best to all in this hopeful lovely early time of May…and with Cinco De Mayo arriving in many lands with good cheer.