“Breathe in….and out…” Listen to intermittent gentle sounds with headphones or earbuds as you ease into a 5 minute session of “Relax”, “Focus” or “Breathe” in the morning and10 minutes session of “Sleep” before going to bed for a beautiful way to support your brain health and overall well-being and sense of calm.


With stress (and maybe even mess) on the rise, getting good sleep and

finding focus and ease to handle one’s day is ever more important whether

a youth, adult or older person.

Treat yourself to an intro to Braintime.com by using this link https://cs201.isrefer.com/go/BTHOME/CPaton/

by copying and pasting  into your browser. That is the first listed below on the menu.

Then skip on down to a replay of a talk about  promoting good sleep or

easing stress and opt in for a free trial! If you are a professional, you may use the link

for that. If you are a doctor, there is yet another link for you to use for a discount.

All members in your immediate household can use the same membership!


This offer can help all in your household get on

the same wavelength so to speak, so imagine the ease and benefit that can bring

to helping people sleep well and get off to a bright start with inner calm

throughout the day only a listen away.


Just 10-15 minutes of listening daily

can provide great benefits!

Thanks for using these links to sign up for a monthly

membership too to help me launch my official affiliate outreach with success. Be

a good friend and share with others as well so the secret sauce can be part of their

better life experience too!

1.BrainTime Home Page BTHOME https://cs201.isrefer.com/go/BTHOME/CPaton/
2.BrainTime Sales Page BrainTimeSales https://cs201.isrefer.com/go/BrainTimeSales/CPaton/
3.Doctor Referral DoctorReferral https://cs201.isrefer.com/go/DoctorReferral/CPaton/
4.Great Sleep Replay Opt-in sleepreplayoptin https://cs201.isrefer.com/go/sleepreplayoptin/CPaton/
5.Professional Referral PROFDISCT https://cs201.isrefer.com/go/PROFDISCT/CPaton/
6.Reduce Stress Replay Opt-in stressreplayoptin https://cs201.isrefer.com/go/stressreplayoptin/CPaton/