My latest exciting learning experience I happened to learn about the last day it was being offered at a discount last week comes with helpful perks. I have had other things I’m working on and miss out on some emails and intend to get better organized in following up with my rather hefty investment for myself and to learn to coach others with basic ideas about learning about their own ‘numbers’ from A1C to fasting glucose.
I am learning very important things…and am excited to share with others. Rather than ‘wait until I learn it all and offer some consults’ I got the green light to Share A Great Discount with you for the online live workshop June 13th and June 14th, 2020 (with replays for a week to take those notes…)
Through today the cost is $49.00 (usually it’s 97.00 or closer to the time, $297.00) Dr. Ritamarie has shared that it took her decades to compile the information in helpful charts to go over genetic information, diets and basic labs to understand one’s own health. I love listening to her and learning ‘the secrets’ about how humans may become insulin resistant which is a precursor to pre-diabetes and of course diabetes.
The alarming information she shares is that the medical community often gives more leeway for numbers of high A1C or ‘recovery blood sugars’ that really are not ideal. Becoming a better informed person is game plan for everyone, yet she teaches basics for people to be able to coach others about basics, not practice medicine or prescribe things if they are not qualified to do so. Good luck in your own journey. There’s more information online but this is likely going to be Awesome!