As with anything, check with one’s doctor particularly if taking medications when taking any supplements. Vitamin D may be obtained from 20 minutes of sunshine so going outdoors would be a good idea along those lines. In terms of Vitamin C manay say ‘any kind will do’ while Gregg Braden suggests a certain kind. So again do some research. Some folks say ‘check the sources’ for any ‘funny business or GMOs, etc’ and authenticity.’ Yet plenty of alternative health folks have suggested this is a big help to our bodies.
None of what I share on this blog is intended to direct one in their health as a practioner but rather I am sharing what I am hearing from talks and articles online. Use common sense in terms of more spacing than not (more than 6 feet, and some say make that 20 feet particularly if someone is coughing etc.) Wearing a mask around others is required in many states and likely will continue to be recommended to keep one from exposing someone else or being exposed to someone else’s outputs. Thanks to all getting through each day with their best foot forward.
Think about eating healthier, getting good regular sleep and pacing activities to keep stress low (since high stress can impact immune systems negatively.) Find ways to feel safe and have space, be calm and clear in communications and have practical boundaries with any concerning people or iffy relationships. Each day holds a lot of possibilities to practice deep breathing (see more options online about strengthening one’s lungs and getting a walk in regularly and more…)
Some practical tips can be found on Kat James, Dr. Ritamarie and many others..but basically be aware that our modern world does not educate people about sugar intake, leptin imbalance, glucose levels and insulin resistance. Keeping vegetables, small amounts of fruit and a balance of healthy fats (such as small portions of avacaod daily, nuts (if one is not allergic etc) and healthy proteins can be a reasonable diet..while limitiing rich carbs and sugars.
There’s plenty to learn but mainly waking up to doing one’s own homework and learning, and not counting on one’s medical doctor to help one Prevent Insulin Resistance or Leptin Imbalance, high sugar or high blood pressure, or weight gain. Do get bloodwork done and get curious and know one’s numbers…Worth getting a file or taking photos to keep track of forms and work with skilled people to understand what to look for and tweak accordingly, again with consulting with your medical doctor as well (even though they are not trained in nutrition and can’t really counsel along those lines but may know some things about interactions.)
Now back to that idea of Good Sleep… Thumb through other posts for some other helpful ideas…and happy managing the ‘new normal’… Best to all and to all a good night!