offering insights by Christof who has many deep insights into the bigger picture from a lifeitme of studies in consciousness, energy and alternative healing.He offers that the sun, Pluto conjucting with Saturn (and Jupiter earlier) are making more things that were hidden becoming more conscious. He suggests their is a mass awakening (and some drawbacks due to some players.)

The fusion of feminine and masculine consciousness births the divine child which he offers is an evolutionary development of the oversoul consciousness …moving from ‘me to we.’ He says this is happening in these next 50 years. He suggests that until 2017 masculine consciousness has governed the world since Atlantus which then played out with hierarchal control. Prior to Atlantis, there was the civilization of Lemuria and linked to feminine consciousness and togetherness.

He has a lot more he’s sharing about DNA and ways we are awakening due to the solar flares which are sending information regarding Christ Consciounsness. They are offering a live training. He explores more of the past and the underlying energetic field of the physical realm. We may have had a disconnection from the Source. I’ll be listening a bit more…and try to fill you in, but that was the first 15 minutes of an hourlong talk…worth taking a few notes!