Get inspired by the offerings in the 15 minute talks with New Life Expo.

Miriam Novalle, High Tea today..sounds great..order direct and works with requests..thanks
Tea tests for $2/bag..assortment box and special programs… sounds DeLightFull.
I’ll post on Let’s collaborate. for health and positive thinking and taking control of our environment, mindset, health and more.. Three cheers for all presenters and this New Life Forum.

Thanks Mark Becker and all supportive folks and those taking advantage and sharing! Virtual Expo is a great idea…maybe you can have replays…and more can do things on to keep grassroots growing (even though for artists and makers, maybe they can talk up products or incorporate in giveaways..I’ll have to check.ย  By the way, is a nice model ofย  promoting wholesome products from distributors…with her Mantra Box…and of course lots of tips for yoga and fitness.

Shanin Jedian is offering ideas about staying in our heart chakra with healing frequencies. Our immune systems are assaulted by harsh primary emotions of anger, anguish, anxiety and so forth. He has recordings that help our feelings stay happy and not become a habitat for disease and imbalance.

He’s the author of 42 books, including Immunity Codes (in pdf form) and 40 days in Quarantine. Prevention of heart disease, throat issues that are due in part to blockage of expression and more…This all sounds aMaze-Sing so I’ll post now, holy cow!

Immunity Codes book will be out soon..Immunity is an old code..meaning certainty (or amen–in Hebrew means I’ve made the change at the level of imagination, balance and prevention of spiritual falling) ..when you feel secure and can’t be attacked.