Wherever one is in their learning or life journey, take time to celebrate and promote care and concern for others as well as for oneself. Thanks for joining in meaningful efforts and networking on many levels in person and online.

See this link as you can to celebrate with Vassar as part of a virtual reunion and her of the successful fundraising efforts.


The virtual Vassar reunion welcome speech is one that many can enjoy this June as part of our shared legacy and support to move forward with renewed conviction for Rethinking Everything to benefit more people. There may be some ‘mixed messages’ in what I am sharing here…and that likely is part of the process we all will find is one of the ways to address matters. Look at things from many perspectives.

We see what a few ‘new ideas and even reworking regulations’ can allow. What IF Vassar could extend more of a welcome to those in Poughkeepsie and parts of the world. It’s not up to ‘just one college’ and thankfully they are connecting with the students of Dutchess College to share more educational efforts.  Vassar students were volunteering at many places since the 1980s when I was there and students would do field work primarily for credit.

They are seeking to become a greener campus, but what about finding ways to help every school in Poughkeepsie feel they are benefitting from being neighbors with Vassar. Maybe more zoom sessions could allow for every high school to offer AP or college preparedness classes with some insights and perks from Vassar. Helping all families and students feel informed and supported, maybe with suggested guides for personal safety, relationship legalities and responsibilities spelled out for personal, work, social and various cultural settings would make sense.

I know I can explore ideas ‘all over the map’ but with the protests highlighting #BlackLivesMatter and with a decade or more of similar protests by #MothersOfLostChildren (and Battered Mothers Custody Conference) this  is a time of learning and wanting to listen to advocates far and wide who have been in the trenches not only of the conflict and crime but tragically ‘paying the ultimate sacrificial price’ of losing their mortal life which has shed light to the cause line no other.’

Thanks to all promoting good education and learning in many areas.  I went to Vassar from 1981-1986  and appreciate having grown up in Falls Village CT with a year at Housatonic Valley Regional High School then a year at Wilbur Cross (and Educational Center of the Arts for dance) in New Haven, then two years at Roger Ludlowe High School in Fairfield CT.

I took  2 semesters off during my college years to see the US, visit family, friends (many from Vassar) and national parks coast to coast. I am extending thanks with this post for the opportunities I have had and that my large family on both of my parent’s sides and of their own has helped me succeed on many levels to attend college and live in the lovely rural northwest corner of CT where I  was also able to raise a family with yet help from others as well as more recently for two years in Brooklyn NY. While I earned some funds by caregiving, I was also the spouse of someone who got housing with a position.

That happens for some at private schools and colleges and caretaking jobs, which is what our situation entailed. That was a dream come true and hopefully can be part of a model for many more people in the future. Perhaps group housing (even re-purposing dorms or public schools to allow for urban folks or even locals to rent out their homes and still be in the area, or allow for camping and trailers to be parked (and use a home’s or buidling’s bathroom  and kitchen facilities or have meals delivered and enjoyed in practical ways, although cooking on the premises would seem more affordable.) Lots of options and I do jot them down as I think of them. In this way I am modelling that Other People Can Also Keep Journals, Find someone to talk to who will record ideas or tell them to a tape recorder or on one’s video or voice message.

The way to proceed with clear communication from all people could be a new endeavor along with the rising advocacy to count everyone’s needs and concerns in valid ways, then address them accordingly with teams of support. With only a few people ‘at the top’ making meaningful decisions, people need to advocate more effectively early on. Time and ‘guidelines and mandates’ march on, so why not have a wide menu of options ready for people to consider and discuss in clear ways (well documented online for instance to help Good Ideas Catch On Fast!

I also hosted about a dozen Vassar students to visit the northwest corner, with three performing dance at Kellogg School in 1984 with permission from the principal, the late Howard Reed with me (including  Lorellen Green and Suzie Epstein and the late Colin Day.)

That kind of collaboration is very difficult to pull off now, not only due to no school but lots of scheduling and other challenges.

Now we can pool what worked from the past and pursue creative ways to keep the drive alive for learning, creating and connecting, meeting basic needs and enjoying the riches our shared resources offer.

Thanks again for tuning in to one another’s life stories and promoting the common good. Give.Vassar.edu is a way to donate if desired by the way. Other local causes to support include  Cornwall CT-based Grumbling Gryphons which is seeking to raise $1K to get a matching grant.

Of course local scholarships and funds are worthwhile to support as well. Giving in memory of a loved one can add special meaning and show support for their family and friends.

Let US All light a virtual candle and take a moment of silence now and later in the day ideally outside to appreciate our shared journey on earth and remember all who have helped us get to this time in history with insight, care and support.

There have been generations who have paved the way for us to have the chance and enriched opportunities we all benefit from in modern times.

A special  apology and acknowledgement with gratitude for  sacrifice and generational work and suffering of the people from Africa and of other countries.

These millions of slaves and people were central to the agricultural and industrial gains and riches made by those who stole the people from Africa  and other countries as well as their resources which all aspects of societies in America, England and many other countries built their criminal empires.

That is the history along with the immoral, unnecessary bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the close of WW2 that needs to be grappled with and taught.

There is a growing awareness and advocacy rising to ‘set things right’ or at least somewhat better than we’ve allowed ourselves to collectively comprehend. Often those in leadership are the ones guarding and limiting the education…so that must change and can with swift outreach online and clear steps to make amends in meaningful ways.

The ideas shared by Uhuru and with attention in America to the rights of the Native people in the US geographical territory are important for people to learn about and hear about from those in direct line genetically and who are members of those cultures and communities.

It’s a long winding road but if we’re guided by a moral compass, we eventually will find our way to help create a more balanced view and follow-through for all ages and peoples.

Recent Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson spoke at length and has much material online along these lines.

We can still benefit from her extensive sharing and teaching about ways to view our amazing capabilities as humans and team players on the world stage as co-creators not only with each other but with support from higher realms.

That message is one I’ve heard many speak to from various spiritual insights to quantum science and field dynamics. Thanks for tuning in as you can in a caring, balanced way.

Our late teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton is one that moved many hearts and may be of interest to appreciate with the online youtube Memorial Service from 11 years ago and with learning more from online coverage and on my blog Livfully.org.

Every year can bring new meaning and insights which can benefit more people and create higher standards of safety, accountability and outreach.

I welcome support for creating a well-funded outreach to share the story and meaning of being community and being accountable with voluntary (and as is the case, legal) agreements and follow-through to supervise minors and set reasonable standards for caregiving and knowledge for self-care and advocacy. I would call this Thinking KAPP, Kids Adults Parents Partnerships.

Thanks if you can PM me and share any insights about ‘matters that could use some sharing or further consideration.’ I have a lot of info from programs I’ve taken over the years and many people can benefit from the helpful ideas whether online, state by state or more regional or local networks.

Thanks to all who donate care, ideas time, talent and treasures to create the community we all can share in, hopefully more and more equitably and safely.
