Most people feel we need to ‘face the reality’ of what happened in such a public, sudden manner. Knowing the mechanics of the bodily systems and impact of how George was mistreated are important for justice to be carried out effectively in the trials of the four police being held accountable.
There is more to consider about those roles, but this is about the physical evidence and biological consequences of the police applying pressure to George Floyd’s neck and back while he was lying on his stomach on the pavement. There is more insight shared by the public report by the independent autopsy doctor and the family’s attorney on another post as well from online. is something I will listen to more closely and take notes on..and summarize here so it’s not so hard to have to hear and is more readily understood and shared accurately. I took a few more notes about what he says at the end of the talk about George Floyd’s final minutes when alive on earth.
We need to ‘face the reality’ of what happened in such a public, sudden manner. Respiratory rest (between breaths) is important.
George likely died a few minutes prior to him being put on a stretcher. George died from asyphxiation was due to partial trachea compromise (which means he did not have total trachea contusion since he could speak. The process of exhaling is part of breathing but may happen as the cycle of being able to breathe in again is stopping.
Technically this doctor says ‘talking is part of breathing’ but it doesn’t mean breathing is not being compromised or won’t cease due to the pressure being applied as in George’s case. )
The diaphragm was not able to expand fully, leaving him without enough oxygen. Asphxia was likely caused by knee pressure on the back and on his neck. IF George Floyd had been under the influence of some drugs that may have hastened the demise…but the pressure is what killed him. For a few minutes after George lost consciousness, the knee pressure on his neck area and on his lower back was maintained. These are important points to clarify in the trial process.
Hopefully everyone will take the reality of the need to breathe, to plan for safety on all levels for oneself and others in one’s care and promote community standards for good health and mental health help and self-monitoring for people in all walks of life whether at home, at work, in relationships, driving or riding on land, water or in the air, and basically in any social setting, even with gatherings and protests.
With so much volatility and the confusing expecatations among people and ‘professionals’ likely more people could opt to have virtual protests, say what needs to be said, show support and real concern for others in one’s circles and through greater advocacy. It’s going to be a new world with virtues trumping vices, but it’s an uphill battle, So we need to be ready for the long haul and the ‘all call’ to allow for more healing to replace fear, confusion, transgressions, abuse, harm and killing on many levels… Who’s Game?