This if from “Now This Politics’ There was live coverage and may be more soon.Please practice safety and care since ‘one bad apple can create havoc in crowds and unintended consequences. See what DiningForWomen effots are doing online to education and advocate for true change as well, and learning from key leaders of the movements. The following is a quote from NowThis Politics on Facebook.
“THOUSANDS PROTEST IN LONDON: Protesters have turned out by the thousands in London to protest the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Other anti-racism demonstrations in solidarity are planned throughout the UK. Earlier, protesters gathered in Parliament Square where they took a knee, raising one fist in the air and chanting ‘no justice, no peace.’ UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock said he was also ‘appalled’ by the killing, but warned protesters about the dangers of congregating en masse given how severely the country had been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.”