Ever wonder how many people have checked out these postings? I was thrilled to see over 750 have viewed the other blog post on Crafting Great Safety PLANS. See more ideas to promote peace and nonviolence on www.avpusa.org. There are many people and programs which promote using positive thinking and ‘transformative power’ which includes looking at the power of a caring community (and even one other, or one’s brighter side).
Once we can rein in the ‘the many voices or memories’ that echo negative or confused feelings and direct our energies more intentionally (and intelligently as well as intuitively) toward being kinder and gentler with ourselves and others, just ‘quieting the mind’ and observing our breathing, take a walk and enjoy nature and focus on one thing at a time–speaking to one person, listening to them by noting what the person is saying (and quieting responses or reframing what they are saying…yet perhaps listen for their feelings and sense where they are coming from in their life).
These practices, sometimes called ‘mindfulness’ can help us feel more ‘present and connected’ to the choices we are making.We can review with others and doublecheck for ourselves basics like: Who we allow to speak to us(about what topics and for how long and inform people of our boundaries respectfully and ask if they would be willing to abide by such terms and offer to reciprocate along their terms as well), who we ask (for help, a second opinion, for various needs and in timely ways such as a week in advance during the day with an e-mail or if need be a phonecall during the day which is brief) and choose to speak with (again, in various ways for friendship, for planning to share in projects or work, for being creative or networking) , how we express ourselves (ideally using the guidelines from AVP– Alternatives to Violence Project) and other positive programs such as nonvioelent communication (NVC) which one can google for more info.
TED Talks provide many interesting people and topics to reflect upon such as one done by teen Sam Berns who died in Jan 2014 from an aging condition. Still, he lived with a very positive attitude and stated he had a Happy Life, focusing on the things and people that enhanced his life and doing what he could and wanted with support. “seek and ye shall find, sow and ye shall reap…” Universal Laws (such as from www.edgarcayce.org or com ) help guide one with ‘just in case’ advice and often very wise teachings and tips.The ideas of the golden rule–doing to others as you would like them to do to you could keep many a harsh word or gesture from entering the ‘real world’ and rather, be kept in one’s thought bubble or withheld with self-control.
aking one’s energy away from anyone or any place that is causing one some stress, concern or conflict is not only a reasonable option but can give all people a chance to create a new ‘dance’. Ideally, taking a real break for a day or more from discussing a concern could allow each person to journal or jot down some thoughts about not only what they don’t like or don’t want but what they DO hope to obtain or experience.
The books from www.nolo.com offer many ‘self-help tips’ for planning important segments of one’s life whether regarding relationships (and parenting plans which could be referenced by ALL Adults and Parents, Schools and Towns for creating safe guidelines for caring for youth and others in need of care and supervision) or managing assets for ownership, transferring to others in light of federal medicaid guidelines–which require a 5-year look back time, so as early as putting plans into action by age 60 to protect assets or 5 years before a medicaid process would need to factor in one’s assets, or one’s spouse’s. Everyone needs to have a will if possible with particular attention to the care of minor children.
Why not check out some possibilities from yesteryear and more recent ones such as from www.TheReconnection.com and the youtube videos of Eric Pearl and others who discuss ideas of healing, energy of the earth and in nature (and US-All) such as Nassim Haramein (also on youtube) to be aware of these helpful theories?
Ever wonder how many people have checked out these postings? I was thrilled to see over 750 have viewed the other blog post on Crafting Great Safety PLANS. See more ideas to promote peace and nonviolence on www.avpusa.org. There are many people and programs which promote using positive thinking and ‘transformative power’ which includes looking at the power of a caring community (and even one other, or one’s brighter side).
Once we can rein in the ‘the many voices or memories’ that echo negative or confused feelings and direct our energies more intentionally (and intelligently as well as intuitively) toward being kinder and gentler with ourselves and others, just ‘quieting the mind’ and observing our breathing, take a walk and enjoy nature and focus on one thing at a time–speaking to one person, listening to them by noting what the person is saying (and quieting responses or reframing what they are saying…yet perhaps listen for their feelings and sense where they are coming from in their life).
These practices, sometimes called ‘mindfulness’ can help us feel more ‘present and connected’ to the choices we are making.We can review with others and doublecheck for ourselves basics like: Who we allow to speak to us(about what topics and for how long and inform people of our boundaries respectfully and ask if they would be willing to abide by such terms and offer to reciprocate along their terms as well), who we ask (for help, a second opinion, for various needs and in timely ways such as a week in advance during the day with an e-mail or if need be a phonecall during the day which is brief) and choose to speak with (again, in various ways for friendship, for planning to share in projects or work, for being creative or networking) , how we express ourselves (ideally using the guidelines from AVP– Alternatives to Violence Project) and other positive programs such as nonvioelent communication (NVC) which one can google for more info.
TED Talks provide many interesting people and topics to reflect upon such as one done by teen Sam Berns who died in Jan 2014 from an aging condition. Still, he lived with a very positive attitude and stated he had a Happy Life, focusing on the things and people that enhanced his life and doing what he could and wanted with support. “seek and ye shall find, sow and ye shall reap…” Universal Laws (such as from www.edgarcayce.org or com ) help guide one with ‘just in case’ advice and often very wise teachings and tips.The ideas of the golden rule–doing to others as you would like them to do to you could keep many a harsh word or gesture from entering the ‘real world’ and rather, be kept in one’s thought bubble or withheld with self-control.
aking one’s energy away from anyone or any place that is causing one some stress, concern or conflict is not only a reasonable option but can give all people a chance to create a new ‘dance’. Ideally, taking a real break for a day or more from discussing a concern could allow each person to journal or jot down some thoughts about not only what they don’t like or don’t want but what they DO hope to obtain or experience.
The books from www.nolo.com offer many ‘self-help tips’ for planning important segments of one’s life whether regarding relationships (and parenting plans which could be referenced by ALL Adults and Parents, Schools and Towns for creating safe guidelines for caring for youth and others in need of care and supervision) or managing assets for ownership, transferring to others in light of federal medicaid guidelines–which require a 5-year look back time, so as early as putting plans into action by age 60 to protect assets or 5 years before a medicaid process would need to factor in one’s assets, or one’s spouse’s. Everyone needs to have a will if possible with particular attention to the care of minor children.
Why not check out some possibilities from yesteryear and more recent ones such as from www.TheReconnection.com and the youtube videos of Eric Pearl and others who discuss ideas of healing, energy of the earth and in nature (and US-All) such as Nassim Haramein (also on youtube) to be aware of these helpful theories?