I came late to the party, the Litchfield Editorials FB page that disbanded on 10/12/20. Still I put in a few good words to the 786 members and wish them well. Hopefully more can find the Litchies FB site a help. I may check that out next!
I share a lot on Livfully.org and more recently on Livfully.org/wordpressblog While I don’t cover all sides I do include the jist of plenty…and could summarize various views (within ‘reason’..not promoting hate and harm etc..)
Okay good luck to US All. I have a letter in The Lakeville Journal of CT and encourage everyone to look at the archives of that paper to get to know more about the northwest corner in general. Their site is tricornernews.com It’s enriching to tune into Dutchess County NY and Berkshire County MA.
There are Toastmasters.org groups which are offering a free pathway after registering for 20 bucks… a great way to see many online clubs…and the dues are about 55 every 6 months (for Southern Berkshire Toastmasters for instance, a rather awesome club with a speaker Dylan Lundgren promoting the film Medicating Normal so catch that…and I’ll include a link. )
Best to all as we journey on, bravely, outspokenly and otherwise…I didn’t see the prior difficult comments, but hopefully it’s part of a positive journey overall. Check out CATV6.com with Marshall Miles (and WHDD radio too.) Okay over and out ‘for now…’
Here’s what I shared with my classmates from Vassar College, encouraging them to think about what needs saying that media doesn’t cover, such as health care tips for all people such as offered by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo!
Hello All Students of Life and Those Ready to Explore What IF thinking for health and making small changes towards a healthier humanity?
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo (online with a free program now and then, including now, and many talks on FB etc as well as training programs to help people and coaches and trained professional medical folks as well) has been teaching medical folks and regular people too about insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and more. Talk about Radically Awesome!
(I encourage everyone to do research online and in libraries, etc. I like The Diabetes Miracle by Diane Kress too, and hope to compare the points about fasting between meals vs eating every 5 hours to prevent glycogen from depositing more sugar into one’s blood stream. Kat James is another expert touting Leptin as the master hormone that drives the show, so I am on a learning journey but have invested a thousand in getting the learning going with Dr. Ritamare’s Insulin Resistance Solution Practitioner Training, IRSPT) so will keep you all posted!
At least she is getting the conversation going and I’d hope more people could pair the CV19 problem with other ongoing ‘epidemics’ of diabetes, obesity, sugar imbalance which is largely preventable..but not covered in the mainstream. What’s with That?!
We know ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ and the media puts a spin on a topic, but we really need to get back to basics and empower one another to help ourselves and those in our circles online and locally…
So here’s another great helper for humanity, Eve Wilson who wrote Riding the Wave of Change.
She offers a few programs and a free award-winning blog…spiritualhealers.org is her site. I summarize a lot of other folks on my blog livfully.org/wordpressblog (and livfully.org which has the posts in order from 8 years ago.)
I am open to a team effort since it’s been a volunCheer effort even facing some tough topics. I realize the Littman brothers are sharing a lot of important ideas but let’s face it, the chance of ‘increasing what we focus on’ may be having US All more primed for crime than preventing it.
Seem we should have a major outreach to all women and children and all good guys could join in readily (That’s what NOMAS is about, like No more violence against others, particularly women and kids and all minorities and other men etc.)
Women can be coached to play fairly too and tune into what may be stressful as well but key to not take it out on others.
Thanks to bearing with me as I along with many other advocates work to bring these crazy topics into the mainstream.
Our kids are counting on us (even as they become adults and parents) to join in the winning causes and elections to protect US All body (and soul in terms of keeping the earth a human-friendly place.. and respect nature and more.)
All the best to everybuddy on their journey with extra safety for those in difficult environments out West or recovering from storms and fires and more…And Let’s all get others psyched to vote and successful in doing so.
Please check the previous posts from the BernieSanders.com site that encourages just that. I took notes on a talk from 10-20-20 so that could be The Boost To VOTE  You  and Others Need!Thanks a Bundle and Let US All Be Ready to be Team Players (see the recent post of what I sent to my local paper. Feel free to make copies and share as you can, maybe even with your local paper. Be in touch at cppaton@yahoo.com to collaborate too!