After trying to summarize the heartwarming tale of a little lad finally being helped by his teacher Mrs. Thompson when he was declining in school (about 4th grade), I erased my post by mistake. I wanted to mention many others chimed in with their tales of heroism about teachers and likely other adults (or even kids) who inspired them.

One woman shared that from long ago, Mike Warren died as a volunteer firefighter in an explosion. He was her high school teacher of a class of snobby kids. Well, those were the days and hopefully more students can take it easy on the teachers and vice versa. Here are my comments. I also realize that while most people are aiming for kindness and fairness, there’s often rogue strand of hurting or blaming others for things people do or even Don’t do.

That is one of the strangest things to see over time but again important to appreciate whether its human nature, a person’s ‘blind spot’ and they Don’t Want to Know About It or a mental aberration, a genetic inheritance or other anomaly. Also some of the nicest folks who help many may still ‘believe not only in Free Choice, as in abortion, but would advocate for it for ‘those who cannot pay to raise their own child/ren.’ There is room for discussion and improvement in understanding the real options and costs of living or doing business. We have a world where 10 people have the wealth equivalent to Half of the World’s Population.

They are ‘rich’ because They Stole Many Natural Resources and Gave themselves a Huge Head Start. They made laws to say what was fair and brainwash others into never questioning the Downward Spiral of Greed and Destruction of Plan-It Heart. Those two seem to go hand in hand. We are starving for new better ways to Comprehend our Collective Situation here on this wee plan-it (which is literally Growing Smaller so shrinking might be the right word since oceans ARE RisING and ‘they are not making any more land’ as my Dad used to say.) Special remembrances of all in heaven and those who left trying to help others.

What a strange sad turn of events from our human perspective…but who knows all the Possible Whys for our existence start to finish (or re-start as many theories about our energy and spirit indicate may be more the case.)

I hope many can hold Mike Warren’s name and courage in their hearts and live more reasonably and with greater appreciation for the people, volunteers, teachers and caring professionals in their lives.

A community can grow continually and connect as these stories are helping US-All do. I have written a blog in part as tribute to our son Kaelan Palmer Paton who passed trying to save a friend (who was rope rescued moments later from a wild river.)

Remembering Kaelan….Paton, a post that comes up with an online search, has been read by 40K folks. His service is on youtube. Sometimes ‘preparing for the unexpected’ (or as a book by Bill Phillips echoes Expect the Unexpected, or those by Marc Anthony the psychic and others) is the Best

We Can Do for Now to Help People Pull through Sudden Loss or Difficulty. That goes for relationship upsets and natural disasters too. I feel the time is coming that everyone is realizing it’s an ‘all hands on deck’ (and on the keyboard and fundraising etc) kind of world, not sit back and hope for a rescue.

Thanks for all being on this thread, honoring inspirational teachers…mine would be Janice and I got to help care for her daughter, so that kind of worked out wonderfully and I can keep in touch with the family even as I’m in my 50s… Where Does the time go? A hug to each and every…and keep daring to care and share and to ‘Live Fully’ or livfully!