Pardon the ways this article repeats..there’s a bug in my computer:
Just reflecting on many events and breeze through as you may like and Greetings to Your Family, Friends and Tribe from me and mine through the new year ahead, with all the possibilities ahead (including in the realm of personal care and growth, teamwork, politics, faith and healing on all levels for people, animals, nature and plan-it heart..may that be so.
Hugs and handshakes all around to those here, those who have journeyed on and those yet to come into our lives or onto planet Heart (8 billion hearts beating in people, at least that in nature exponentially and more to come. Feel the beat and live your dreams with loving support from all working toward the greater good…
Every season has its reasons to enjoy community, nature, faith and friends (and new folks we haven’t yet met) with events. In the past month of so, I’ve been thinking of the ambitious efforts people manage to do atop their busy lives of school, work, caring for kids, seniors or others (even themselves which may be among the biggest challenges if not well-organized, feeling interested or indebted to others, just feeling needed and not finding enough folks to help with care and other projects…).
What a pleasure to know many fun runs happened in the area in the past few months–as well as the CROP WALK (one in Litchfield area raised $1K after 10 years and the one in Falls Village raised about $20K after 30 years–that’s per year recently, with 25% staying local and managed through CWS (Church World Service). The Kent Pumpkin Fun Run drew a large crowd as usual while the Falls Village Cannonball Run was more humble but still mighty. I got to drum for the latter. I also got to see college kids sing along with many talented groups.
A trip away is inspiring. Other events of note include the Hip Hop School show at the Mahaiwe, The Merry Wives of Windsor in Sheffield (and more Shakespeare will happen in Stockbridge Nov 20th weekend and of course in the summer, a real hoot), and Pippin at Hotchkiss (today’s show is at 2:30 and is very moving for youth and others to see about ‘making choices, using their voices and finding a happy medium between the mundane and the sensational’. The leads are amazing and yes, for me brought warm thoughts of the kinds of things Kaelan and others who have journeyed on seemingly ahead of their natural time might have endeavored.
It’s that bittersweet sense of ‘he could have been doing that, living life fully in ways that inspired people and helped so many through his talented example and joie de vivre (joy of living)…” Well, we know he did do a lot in his ‘brief’ life and that maybe time is more mysterious than we know as is our consciousness and soul.
When going to a group gathering with Bill Phillips who wrote Expect the Unexpected(which the Sharon Library ordered) a small trio of my heavenly clan ‘came through’. The Falls Village Library has a book Living Into Dying which says it can help to pray for someone for 3 days as in ‘read to the dead’..silently read and think of the person for about 20 minutes as one can..someday I want to set up a computer app so people can sign up when they know someone who died whose family would appreciate that kind of effort.
Carol McGlinchey offers consults in Great Barrington and Patti Sinclair in Norfolk for the medium or insight into life services that can bring a healing touch to the difficult realm of transition out of this life (or maybe even to assist with other difficulties). The whole realm of ‘past lives is being discussed’ in theory and with book such as by Brian Weiss. Crystal Essence in Great Barrington has many books to thumb through and and of course the internet is a resource most have. Still using the resources or taking the time can be missing steps, that’s why I am sharing a potpourri of ideas here.
I don’t know that I should share more here, but with the 50 folks there it seemed we had a clear sense that Bill has a gift and I heard that Kaelan and two others (at least) were saying they were all fine and together). I hope that doesn’t offend anyone to share that idea of a spiritual realm that is more connected to this one than most believe or feel to be safe.
Bill does caution in his book as does Rebecca Singer who studies Siberian shamanism that the spiritual realm is not one to dabble in willy-nilly and to realize there are ‘darker spirits’ or patterns of getting lost in a ‘journeying’ experience so she (and others, including many Christian and other faith groups) do not feel it’s something a person should just try for fun or to gain insight or healing on their own.
I will try to write about these things on my livfully blog (where I discuss some of the heavier topics of the heroin prevention efforts going on locally and hopefully nationally.)
Bill Philipps also says he does not think just anyone can learn to be a medium and should just try it for fun (again, to watch out for dark spirits or pitfalls in one’s practice as well as fakes or money-making rackets.) I hope I have found a little wisdom to share with others as these topics are burgeoning and seem to have a wider following, with few people offering assessments.
When I’d talk spiritual ideas over with my kids it was mostly along the lines of the teachings of Jesus and the healing power of the Holy Spirit. The concept of a Holy Trinity is central to the Catholic and Orthodox faiths and most of Christianity. That basically says God the Creator (or Father which means Life-Giver) is reflected fully in his earthly son Jesus particularly once he accepted the Holy Spirit and became the Messiah or messenger or anointed one of God).
The healing power today when praying in the name of God and Jesus comes through the Holy Spirit, some who say dwells within each of us when we ask and receive that blessing (along with getting baptized in water beforehand as an outward sign of giving up one’s old life and identity and having a new one in Christ).
All of this can seem ‘a little over the top’ for some and not enough to do any kind of mystical or spiritual healing for others. Wandering in circles amidst the various teachings and practitioners of any kind of faith can seem like hogwash to people reared in the realm of ‘science is the only truth’.
Again, I hope I am not offending anyone (or everyone on some note) but it seems our world is largely colored by the influences of the past and these concepts which are often side-lined or take center stage out of the blue when debates some up regarding prayer in school, abortion or the beginning of life and what forms of birth control prevent a pregnancy versus end one, marriage (which for Catholics and perhaps others would require a costly, complicated annulment to declare was not originally valid and therefore open the door for a Church-approved divorce.
That may be changing.) Also changing are the terms of domestic abuse and terms for divorce and custody agreements (with mediation sounding like a fair way to discuss many conflicts or concerns yet not always presented to people early on in a relationship.
The other big block is in abuse situations there is not a fair, safe realm of discussion since there is a huge, dangerous power imbalance. Marriage is a life-long contract initially yet perhaps some key review clauses could be agreed upon to help each party ‘play fairly’ whether regarding fidelity, rearing children, staying healthy (and sober as may be reasonable), and other known check-points to avoid ‘bringing a family down due to one person’s disease or problems going unchecked’.
The existing network of systems to intervene and even educate simply Does Not Exist..that’s why I’ve taken some time here to offer these ideas, tricky at that is.Thanks for letting me share, and I’ll likely post this on my blog for wider circles to consider as they PLAN as they can for their lives or FACE dire situations without adequate support, the more common modus operandi (mode of operation) in our culture.
Sadly too, seeing shows like 48 Hours about a 20 year old named John Philipps of Jacksonville Florida who panicked after hurting his 8 year old female neighbor and ending her life made me think again of how important it is to Try to Have Safety Practices in our Home and Own Lives especially for youth or fragile seniors who should have constant supervision as much as possible.
In this case, there were rules in place that simply were not followed (supposedly with the young girl not listening to the then 14 year old John when he said he did not want to play and really could not, but started with playing baseball outdoors and accidentally having a ball hit her in the head, causing her to yell and making him think he’d get in trouble from his Dad who issued stern warnings and yelled at him and threatened to disown him in the past a few times.
Sadly I met a woman who once lived in the area and her teen daughter was also done in when her best friend’s brother accidentally pushed her down stairs and then decided to end her life when she was unresponsive.
I ‘happened’ to see this woman who I’d met about 20 years ago about a month before Kaelan died and felt that was a bad omen since often I was hearing about some scary stuff from someone who lived through it..and then that would happen to me. I look back and see that as a kind of warning system from both ‘waking life’ and even in my dreams.
I do think there are signs and I’m trying to get better at reading them, not to live in worried manner but not to miss the obvious and to live more wisely.Easier said than done by the way and better to try in groups for some aspects of seeking meaning and having some safety systems in places, such as letting someone know where I am going and when I have arrived safely on a daily basis.
Okay, well, thanks for letting me explore these concepts. Wishing all a peaceful time during this time of Thanksgiving (and hopefully Not overeating but good luck on that note and try some apple cider vinegar–Braggs brand maybe the best- diluted in water or juice of half of a lemon in water to aid in digestion since our acetic acid in the stomach may decrease as we age (or overeat…or both).
Hugs to all those on the other side or even those imprisoned here on earth in struggle mode or paying for crimes (guilty or sadly not guilty which is also not always clear and another good reason to plan for a calm, less-directly involved life if someone is unbalanced mentally or chemically…use buddy systems and networks to intervene or address problems (even though the Bible says to do so in private, that’s not a safe practice anymore nor is ‘taking the law into one’s own hands’. We could all use a review on many basics, and that’s a reason for a new forum or to comment on some livfully topics as one can.)
Thanks for living your best life day to day to keep yourself and those near and dear safe and cared for..a caring word or helpful few minutes to listen to someone can help create that climate of well-being and hope too often left for the culture to fill by osmosis (some kind of transfer of energy that simply seems lacking for too many even though some circles are brimming over.)
Consider the difference between ‘bully’ and “buddy’..more similar than one might think so why not lean into creating a greater sense of buddyhood (not far from buddhahood or other cool to be kind realms.) I’m off to the Falls Village Congregational Church now to enjoy their lovely meaningful weekly gathering. Due drop in sometime and experience their dose of love and good eats afterwards..Donations to help such key small groups stay afloat also greatly appreciated (and needed and in part circulated back out into the community.)