Tue, 02/28/2017 – 17:06

http://urltag.net/Bn7qd is the link you will want to click Today to sign up for a free week of talks on The Thyroid (yours, mine, everybody’s). You’ll probably want to thank me for trying to let you know in a timely fashion. You’re Welcome! I only learned about it today while listening to my class from Suzanne O’Brien about being an End of Life Doula Caregiver, that is to say about death and dying and dealing with the aftermath of that for a family and friends right through a service and burial. She is breaking the ice on a topic most never brave talking about while alive.

I am also reading A World Beyond by Ruth Montgomery and listening to Hay House talks (as well as those from You Wealth Revolution and Jennifer McLean and David Adelson) as I can. All of them are saying We have Love from Above and Healing Love Within Our Very Souls and Selves…and that ‘there is no death in terms of Non-Existence.)

This idea can take Forever to entertain and even longer to Believe and Tune Into. Yet there is hope we will all be More Able to Consider the Possibilities becaue there are more people helping others understand their experiences about life and death (NDEs, near death experiences and even the kapishe-kaput death topic.)

Likely we Need New Words for Many of the Aspects of these Experiences. Anger, Fear, Despair, and Emotions can run the gamut before and after a serious diagnosis or dealing with the decisions or the actual dying and death process.

Even months later, after the calm settles..the storm may arise, Suzanne and many others have explored. The ideas for accepting the emotions (which I think of Energy Motions) that has helped me include that like the weather we can allow the feelings, thoughts and beliefs to arise yet to hold the rails of the ship as it were and envision them rising up and blowing away in clouds (rather than pummeling our bodies with the downward, inward feeling into the heart and gut areas or chakras–which are energy centers. Letting emotions and sensations go down into the earth would be another way to allow the Flow of Energy  and Thoughts rather than try to cast them out willy nilly or ‘not think or feel’ things. Allowing oneself a place to journal (online in an email To Oneself for starters or to a Friend but Send it to yourself if you are not sure you really want to share the deep or dark thoughts or even the positive dreams…

Honor your sacred singular (sing-you-la) experiences You are Processing as though part of meaingful learning path with deeper understanding of The Human Condition as you proceed. Try not to allow erractic actions to take over, yet go for a walk, maybe get a tennis racket and whack your bed mattress with a kung fu energy bringing the racket down hard from above your head. Letting out a shout or heavy breath as you bend and release from your gut or belly area can really be healing for Anyone about Anything (again without kids or others in the home where they’d wonder what the dickens you are doing.)

Think of your sweet self as doing an exercise as an actor, and don’t let the real anger get roiling and boiling over and knocking everything off your dresser or tipping things over. The idea is to “Let It Go, Let It Go….” This can be very healing in terms of letting go of the past and relationship hurts and pain. If you want to imagine a person, place or thing when you are whacking, a skilled healer told me that’s okay.. Yet I feel it would be ‘safer energetically’ to picture a facsimile (imagine a doll or photo of the person or a generic fake person)of said person or thing, knowing that Underneath it all, Everyone is Spirit and good even if some are terribly misguided or confused.

Talk this post over with someone you trust who has some skill in that area before actually trying and I am not directing anyone to do this as much as suggesting the possibility having learned of it and finding it of interest. Do not do anything that could hurt yourself or others, physically, emotionally, in a relationship or otherwise. Hope you have read this far and can take all of these posts in the spirit they are given which is in the realm of the greater Big Love.. .may you be at peace wtih each day,breath and experience that comes your way and to the extent you have something to do with your life, which you contribute to whatever unfolds as more lessons of life learned maybe to benefit you and others down the road. Peace, love, light, love and healing and Rest to each and every today and everyday…