Of all the things we have in common such as being born, there’s the other side of the rainbow, called ‘dying or crossing the threshold’..and being dead for a few days. What difference might a few days make, many may wonder?
The theory of Rudolf Steiner as covered with stories by someone who actually experienced caring for the dead over many years, indicates there may be a three to three and a half day transition period After one has died.
During that time one’s etheric body returns to another realm and one’s life force energy blends with the world and nature. I don’t have more time to write at this time, but google or search out some information and plan for your own care if taken ill or hurt, or nearing death..and then the care of your body with respect and ideally not embalming right away.
The process recommended would be one of using dry ice in cloths to keep a body chilled but I wonder if some kind of refrigerated such as used in grocery stores would suffice.
Talk about weird, but also, maybe even regular ice in winter such as in an Ice House of old would be useful to allow the body to be at rest without the chemicals. In some cultures and warmer climates, a body is buried within a day..but ideally a few days of a vigil in a pleasant setting with kind thoughts from those who knew the person (maybe with a sign up online to cover a half hour) would make sense.. gotta post or I’ll lose this, Peace!
Added note: The author Nancy Poer shares many moving stories about times from the 1960s on about how difficult it was to know how to approach this topic. Still, by her experiences with funeral homes, states and families she describes a path to follow in terms of dealing with regulations while honoring religious and social concerns. Not everyone can or would want a dying at home experience or even after care vigil.
Still the idea that a family and circle of friends could tune into creating a ‘spiritual river or consciousness’ to assist the person who is leaving and even receive the blessing of that person’s energy leaving their earthly mortal body and enjoining their loved ones in delicate and meaningful ways as well as combining back into nature and the world. Stuff we never talk about and which there are many theories about.
Why not consider the healing and blessing of such theories..and with support and guidance plan for care for anyone who needs it whether ill or dying, going through a heartache time of separation or facing challenges of any kind. There’s a whole realm of care and compassion that we can tap into through teachings from many healers and thinkers such as Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Cayce. Other healing ideas are on www.giftsfromdevotion.com (good youtubes from David Adelson and Alan Saed of Cascadia Workshops for practical and inspirational help in life and even www.healthyplace.com. Enjoy each day and keep in touch as you can with a comment here to me or others in your life…Dream out loud and live with love….